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作者(外文):Kuo, Chung-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Development of Coplanar Waveguide Microwave Interferometer for Plasma Density Measurement
指導教授(外文):Leou, Keh-Chyang
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chia-Hao
Hsieh, Cheng-Hung
外文關鍵詞:plasma densityplasma diagnosticmicro strip
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  • 點閱點閱:170
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究研製共平面波導微波干涉儀,包含模擬計算與實驗量測兩部分,用以量測電漿系統的電漿密度以及其變化情形。微波感測器原理為在相對於真空狀態下,微波在傳輸線中傳遞時,受到電漿影響使得微波波長變化,由電漿和真空下所造成相位差,去得知電漿密度變化。本感測器所設計之結構為陽極化鋁架空基板之微帶線,距離基板高度7 mm微波在兩條側邊與中心微帶線之間傳遞,此結構由高頻模擬軟體模擬出此感測器之電磁場分布,其電磁場分布與原理所得符合。
Plasma Technology in Manufacturing is important in the semiconductor manufacturing process. Because wafer yield and process yield are closely related to the stability of the plasma technology in manufacturing process. Controling the pressure or RF power in real time achieves the stability of the process.
The structure designed for the sensor is a microstrip line of anodized aluminum overhead substrate. Microwaves transmits between the two sides and the center microstrip line which are height 7 mm from the substrate. This structure is simulated by high-frequency simulation software. The electromagnetic field distribution of the detector is consistent with the principle field. The electromagnetic field distribution of the fundamental mode in the CWMI is obtained from a three dimensional electromagnetic (EM) numerical simulation code, High Frequency Structure Simulation (HFSS, ANSOFT Corp.), based on finite element method.
The plasma density measurement of argon plasma can be monitored in real time to show an increasing trend with the increase of RF power. Compared with the CWMI and the air bridge microstrip microwave interferometer(ABMMI), the simulation results In comparison, There is less radiated power and effect of plasma cavity to CWMI. Compared with the ridge microstrip microwave interferometer(RMMI), the CWMI removes quartz as the dielectric layer and reduces the size of the interferometer , and the phase shift is larger when the density of the plasma per unit changes, thereby improving the sensitivity of the microwave interferometer.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 電漿吸收探針 4
2.2 夾型共振器 13
2.3 微波干涉儀 23
2.4 傳輸線式微波干涉儀 26
2.5 微帶線式微波干涉儀 27
第三章 研究原理 34
3.1 微帶線式微波干涉量測電漿的基本原理分析 34
3.2 微帶線式微波干涉儀設計之微波頻率探討 35
3.3 微帶線式微波干涉儀量測電漿的方式 38
3.4 電漿參數 39
第四章 模擬方法與實驗設備 40
4.1 電磁模擬 40
4.2 電漿源及電漿量測實驗機台 43
4.3 微帶線式微波干涉儀搭配的微波電路元件 45
4.4配合使用的量測儀器 47
4.4.1 射頻網路分析儀 47
第五章 結果與討論 50
5.1 共平面波導微波干涉儀模擬 50
5.1.1 共平面波導微波干涉儀模擬計算結果 50
5.1.2 改良共平面波導微波干涉儀結構模擬計算結果 51
5.2 共平面波導微波干涉儀製作 52
5.3 實驗量測 52
5.3.1 共平面波導微波干涉儀實驗量測 52
5.3.2 共平面波導微波干涉儀與其他量測方式比較結果 52
第六章 結論 64
附錄A RMMI實驗量測 65
附錄B ABMMI實驗量測 67
附錄C 探針型感測器實驗量測 69
附錄D 模擬不同電漿區域邊界影響 71
附錄E 模擬不同石英管結構影響 73
參考文獻 76

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