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作者(外文):Sung, Chia-Jung
論文名稱(外文):Reliability Test and Data Analysis Method for Dendritic Gold Substrates based Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor
指導教授(外文):Chen, Tsan-Yao
口試委員(外文):Wu, Pin-Jiun
Hu, Chih Wei
外文關鍵詞:environmental hormoneSurface-Enhanced Raman Scatteringreliability testdata analysis
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:194
  • 評分評分:*****
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智慧環境賀爾蒙監控系統以能夠快速分析試樣之能力、感測元件具備高感測靈敏度、感測元件可靠度、感測元件單次量測成本控制為研究目標。本研究針對智慧環境賀爾蒙監控系統中用以快速篩檢的樹狀奈米金表面電漿增益拉曼感測器進行可靠度量測最佳化調控、可靠度測試,並與目前主流的環境賀爾蒙分析方法做全方面的比較,討論本研究與高效液相層析法(high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC)、氣相層析法(gas chromatography, GC)的差異之處。
The purpose of the study was to combine fast screening technique with cloud data application to establish “smart environment hormone monitoring system”. The system could fast identify and trace the pollution source and affecting area. Expecting to mend the pollution and affection from environment hormone.
Smart environment hormone monitoring system aims for fast analyzing capability and sensors of high sensibility, reliability, cost control with single measurement. The study focused on reliability optimization and test of SERS (Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering), which implemented as fast screening method in smart environment hormone monitoring system. Then discussed its difference with HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) and GC (gas chromatography).
Another purpose of the study was to establish a molecular fingerprint database, the calibration curves, factors, and concentration detection areas had been established for 11 environment hormones. Furthermore, standardized the procedures for measurement and analysis, then employed MATLAB for automatic data analyzing.
Real-time monitoring is the objective of smart environment hormone monitoring system, through teamwork and technique integration the smart environment hormone monitoring system will be more competitive in the field of environment hormone fast screening.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 研究動機 1
1-1 環境賀爾蒙的來源、潛在危害與可能解決的方法 1
1-1-1 環境賀爾蒙來源 1
1-1-2 環境賀爾蒙帶來的潛在危害 3
1-1-3 解決環境賀爾蒙對水汙染的方法 4
1-1-4 目前主流的環境賀爾蒙檢驗方法 7
1-2 研究目標 8
第二章 技術原理與方法 11
2-1 表面電漿增益拉曼感測器 12
2-1-1 表面增益拉曼散射 12
2-1-2 樹狀奈米金材料的特性與應用 17
2-2 感測器元件可靠度測試 17
2-3 分子指紋頻譜資料庫 19
2-4 數值分析對應平台開發 20
第三章 研究進程規劃與目標 22
3-1 研究進程規劃 22
3-2 研究指標與完程度 24
第四章 研究成果細節說明 27
4-1 感測靈敏度最佳化參數調控 27
4-1-1 感測元件材料選擇 27
4-1-2 適用雷射波長選擇 30
4-1-3 量測及光譜數據分析程序標準化 31
4-2 感測元件可靠度最佳化調控 35
4-2-1 環境可靠度測試條件 35
4-2-2 環境可靠度測試結果 37
4-3 感測元件可用性評估 44
4-3-1 多分子檢測評估 44
4-3-2 分子指紋頻譜資料庫 45
4-4 程式化數值分析 54
4-4-1 對應程式語言選擇 55
4-4-2 數值分析流程標準化 55
第五章 結論與未來工作建議 59
參考文獻 60
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