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作者(外文):Wu, Jheng-Ren.
論文名稱(外文):The Research and Simulation for the Lithium Battery Electric Vehicle by Using Pulsating Heat Pipe
指導教授(外文):Lin, Wei-Keng
Chen, Shao-Wen
口試委員(外文):Huang, Jian
Tzou, Yun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Pulsating Heat PipePhase Change Materialbattery pack
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React to the carbon reduction, low-pollution electric vehicles have almost become a trend in next generation. However, electric vehicles are faced with some problems like charging time and endurance ability, both problems are in highly connected with working temperature. This research focuses on simulating practical heating condition of battery pack in electric vehicles. Pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) are inserted in the gap of the battery pack and different materials are filled in the gap of the battery pack individually at 25°C and 1atm. At the same heating condition, the test group, which PHPs are inserted in the gap of the battery pack and the self-made Phase Change Material(PCM) is filled in the gap of the battery pack, compare to the
comparison group, which is not inserted any temperature equalizing element and the gap of the battery pack is filled in air, the maximum temperature from 90.6°C to 58.4°C and the temperature equalizing parameter(δ) from 2.135%~1.320% to 0.121%~0.060%.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
第一章、 緒論 1
 1.1研究背景與動機 1
 1.2目前主流的電動車熱管理方案 2
 1.3 18650鋰離子電池(Lithium-ion battery) 5
 1.4 研究方法及流程 7
第二章、 脈衝式熱管技術 8
 2.1 脈衝式熱管(Pulsating Heat Pipe)的簡介 8
 2.2 文獻回顧 10
 2.3 脈衝式熱管的理論分析 19
 2.3.1 內管徑(inner diameter) 19
 2.3.2 工作流體(working fluid) 20
 2.3.3 填充率、加熱源位置 20
 2.3.4 環路種類、彎道數量、傾斜角度 21
 2.4 脈衝式熱管的數學模型 21
第三章、實驗設置與方法 28
 3.1 鋰電池電動車之電池包設計 28
 3.2.1 電池包的底板製作 29
 3.2.2 電熱棒製作 34
 3.2.3 脈衝式熱管製作 35
 3.2.4 電源供應器與電熱棒連結方式 38
 3.2.5 溫度量測 39
 3.3 電池包內空隙之填充物 42
 3.4 風道架設 45
四、實驗數據 48
 4.1.1 溫度點定義 48
 4.1.2 均溫度定義 49
 4.2 實驗數據 49
第五章、結論 94
參考文獻 96

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