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作者(外文):Cho, Han-Lin
論文名稱(外文):Application of Boric Acid-PVA Nano Drug on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for Head and Neck Cancer
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Fan-Gang
口試委員(外文):Yang, Chung-Shi
Chiang, Chi-Shiun
Hsueh, Yen-Wan
外文關鍵詞:BNCTHead & Neck Cancer CancerPVABoric AcidNanoparticle
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2015年根據世界衛生組織( WHO )統計顯示,全球有將近880萬人死於癌症,佔了1/6的死亡人口,是為全球第二大死因。在台灣,癌症也已蟬聯35年居10大死因之首,去年因癌症而死亡的人數即4萬7760人,占總死亡人數的27.7%,平均一天130人死亡。而在各類癌症中,口腔癌(含口咽、下咽)為台灣男性佔第四位發生率與死亡率的癌症(每年約7500人罹癌,3000人死亡),甲狀腺癌則為女性前五種好發癌症之一(每年約3500人罹癌)。頭頸部的癌症其手術治療之風險相對其他癌症為高,因為治療過程容易傷及多種重要器官,因此頭頸癌目前的治療多需要手術合併放射治療、標靶治療與化學治療,醫療過程非常複雜繁瑣而化療與放療之副作用亦多,往往對病人造成更多負擔且效果有限。
硼中子捕獲治療(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT)最早在1936年被提出,是一種二元療法,即病人必須先注射含硼藥物,接著藉由增強滲透及滯留作用(Enhanced Permeability and Retention, EPR)或標靶特性使藥物聚集於腫瘤區域,最後再施以熱中子(Thermal Neutron)照射。熱中子會高度專一的被硼原子吸收並放射出高能重粒子,其殺傷範圍大約是一顆癌細胞的半徑,因此這項療法有極佳的針對性,在近數十年,日本、芬蘭、阿根廷、中國均在BNCT有長足發展。然而BNCT目前待突破的一大關鍵即是提高硼原子在腫瘤部位的聚積濃度,現今臨床上的兩種用藥:BPA(para-Borophenylalanine)與BSH(Disodium Mercaptoun-Decahydrododecabotate)均只能藉由持續注射藥物,維持血中藥物濃度再由擴散的方式使藥物進入腫瘤部位,此法對於生理代謝造成很大的負擔,且成本高昂又浪費。長年臨床研究最終也發現BSH對癌細胞之聚積性與一般細胞無太大差異,現已逐漸被淘汰。近年發現,硼酸亦在BNCT上有良好成效,其低成本、低毒性等優點,在未來被認為有發展潛力。
According to record by WHO, 2015, there are 8.8 million lives are deprived from cancer. It is the second leading cause of death in the world. In Taiwan, cancer has also been the top 10 death cause for over 35 years. About 47.76 thousand people were killed by cancer last year, accounting for 27.7% in the whole death toll. Among all cancer types, Oral Cancer (including velum and pharynx) takes the 4th places for both occurrence rate and death rate in male (7,500 new cases, 300 die per year), while Thyroid cancer takes the 5th occurrence rate in female (3,500 new cases). Head and Neck cancer poses a rather higher risk in surgery due to unavoidable contact to several vital organs and neuron system. There by, current Head and Neck cancer treatment usually requires combination of radiation therapy, target therapy and chemotherapy, and a well-trained medical team, composing of all necessary divisions is also claimed. Such complicated and trivial treatment often put further pressures on the patients not only physically but mentally. The effects are limited and unpredictable.

Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) was first proposed in 1936. It is a binary therapy followed by a series of principals and processes. Firstly, the patients need to be injected by boron enriched drugs, and by the effect of Enhanced Permeability and Retention effect (EPR), the drugs would accumulate in tumor. Next, the patients shall accept epithermal or thermal neutron irradiation. Finally, the neutrons will be captured by boron-10 isotope, generating high energy particles, 4He and 7Li, which can cause DNAs double strain break (DSB), an irreparable and permanent damage against cancer cell. The remarkable feature of this therapy is its high energy particles are limited within a radius of cell, and since the thermal neutron has little effect on pathway cell, the damage range would only limit to tumor lesion. In past 10 years, Japan, Finland, Argentina and China have significant progresses on BNCT field. However, there are still some critical difficulties need to be conquered, one of it is to elevate 10B concentration in tumor. Recently, two FDA approved drugs for BNCT, BPA (para-Borophenylalanine) and BSH (Disodium Mercaptoun-Decahydrododecabotate) can only diffuse in tumor lesion by maintaining a high drug concentration in circulatory system, which is waste and costly. For BSH, due to low distinguished affinity between cancer cell and normal cell, it was seldom used now. Fortunately, there are still other potential boron drugs or boron drug carriers are developing. Boric Acid was founded to be a potent boron agent in recent years for its cost and toxicity are relatively low but still presenting a significant efficacy.

The size of nanodrugs is generally defined from 10 to 1,000nm. It shows several features such as high bio-viability, drug protection, controllable release and bio barrier penetration. Furthermore, some grafted functional molecules can render these nanoparticles specific capabilities to reduce drug adverse reaction (ADR) and elevate targeting specificity. This study will focus on fabrication and BNCT efficacy on oral cancer with Boric Acid-PVA nanoparticles in different sizes from 10nm to 2,000nm.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1硼中子俘獲治療 1
1.1.2奈米藥物 3
1.2研究動機 6
1.2.1癌症療法之發展 6
1.2.2癌症療法之現況與瓶頸 7
1.2.3硼中子捕獲治療的發展優勢 12
第二章 文獻回顧 18
2.1 聚乙烯醇奈米粒子 18
2.2 聚乙烯醇的生物相容性 18
2.3硼中子捕獲治療 19
2.3.1 口腔癌 19
2.3.2 膠質母細胞瘤 22
2.3.3 黑色素瘤 24
2.4 奈米藥物之特性 25
2.4.1 表面電位 25
2.4.2奈米粒子之粒徑 25
2.5 二甲基亞碸之毒性 27
第三章 實驗設計與規劃 29
3.1藥物設計 29
3.1.1藥物開發目標 29
3.1.2藥物設計方針 29
3.1.3藥物製造原理 33
3.1.4實驗藥品 35
3.1.5藥物製造步驟 42
3.1.4實驗用細胞 43
3.2奈米藥物理論分析 44
3.2.1藥物模型 44
3.2.2硼酸理論載藥量分析 47
3.2.3奈米藥物組成元素之中子捕獲比率 48
3.3藥物特性實證規劃 49
3.3.1硼酸-聚乙烯醇奈米藥物之包覆率與洩漏率 49
3.3.2硼酸-聚乙烯醇奈米藥物之生物相對效應 50
3.4細胞毒殺實驗設計 51
3.4.1細胞生長特性試驗設計 51
3.4.2克隆試驗 53
3.4.3藥物天然毒性試驗設計 54
3.4.4純放射環境傷害試驗設計 56
3.4.5硼中子捕獲治療設計 57
3.5細胞攝食試驗 62
3.5.1雷射共軛焦顯微鏡與螢光顯微鏡檢測設計 62
3.5.2感應耦合電漿質譜儀檢測設計 63
第四章 結果與討論 64
4.1硼酸-聚乙烯醇奈米藥物 64
4.1.1藥物顆粒尺寸 64
4.1.2二甲基亞碸比例對藥物的影響 67
4.1.3硼酸比例對藥物的影響 68
4.1.4藥物顆粒於其他溶液中的尺寸變化 70
4.1.5不同分子量的聚乙烯醇對藥物的影響 72
4.1.6不同二甲基亞碸混溶之速度對藥物的影響 76
4.1.7載藥率 81
4.1.8洩漏率 82
4.3細胞毒殺結果 85
4.3.1藥物自身毒性 86
4.3.2藥物以硼中子捕獲治療後的毒性 93
4.4雷射共軛焦與螢光結果 103
第五章 結論 107
參考資料 109
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