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作者(外文):Tseng, Yu-Lin
論文名稱(外文):The heat transfers and the bubble dynamics of downward nucleate pool boiling
指導教授(外文):Ferng, Yun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Shao-Wen
Shih, Chun-Kuan
外文關鍵詞:Nucleate pool boilingOrientation angle of heating surfaceActive nucleation site densityBubble diameterBubble frequencyBubble velocityAnalysis model
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  • 點閱點閱:27
  • 評分評分:*****
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In the downward heating system, the heating surface would stop the departure of bubbles. Bubbles would slide along the heating surface. Therefore, the mechanism of bubble movement was different from the upward heating system. In the past, most scholars have studied the relationship between heat flux, critical heat flux and wall superheat in the downward heating system. However, the studies of bubble dynamics were rare. In this study, the relationships between heat flux, wall superheat and some bubble parameters with different orientations of the heating surface were studied. Besides, the analysis model was created in order to analyze the heat transfer performance by the bubble mechanism in different heating orientations.
In this experiment, the copper was used as the heating surface. Water was used as the working fluid. The orientations of the heating surface included 90°, 120°, 135°, 150° and 170°. Water was heated to saturation temperature by heating rods. The power supply provided electric power to the heating block as the heat source. The temperature data of the heating block corresponding to different voltages were recorded, so the wall superheat and heat flux were calculated. Besides, the bubble behaviors were recorded by a high speed camera to measure the bubble parameters. Then the heat flux and bubble parameters were combined with the analysis model.
The results showed that the slope of the curve increased as the orientation angle increased. Besides, the heat flux calculated by the analysis model underestimated the experimental data. However, the reason hasn’t been found yet.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
符號對照表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究目的與動機 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 加熱面角度相關實驗回顧 4
2-2經驗公式相關文獻回顧 26
第三章 實驗方法 34
3.1 實驗器材介紹 34
3.1.1 濾水系統 34
3.1.2 加熱系統 35
3.1.3 數據分析系統 41
3.2 實驗參數條件與流程 42
3.3實驗量測方法與誤差分析 47
3.3.1誤差分析方法 47
3.3.2溫度、熱通率與表面過熱度 47
3.3.3有效成核址線密度 49
3.3.4汽泡滑動速度 49
3.3.5汽泡直徑 50
3.3.6汽泡頻率 50
第四章 分析模型與結果討論 51
4.1沸騰模型 51
4.1.1 RPI model介紹 51
4.1.2 沸騰模型之改進 52
4.2 實驗之重複性 56
4.3 熱傳能力與沸騰曲線 58
4.4 汽泡機制 59
4.4.1 有效成核址線密度 60
4.4.2 汽泡滑動速度 60
4.4.3 汽泡直徑 63
4.4.4 汽泡頻率 69
4.5 分析模型和實驗數據之整合 74
第五章 結論 77
參考文獻 78

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