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作者(中文):李 翊
作者(外文):Lee, Yi
論文名稱(外文):Development of the Tunable Condenser lens and Alignment Deflector in Tabletop Electron Microscope
指導教授(外文):Chen, Fu-Rong
Tseng, Fan-Gamg
口試委員(外文):Ouyang, Fan-Yi
Su, Hong-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Electron microscopeScanning Electron microscopeTabletop Electron microscopeAlignment DeflectorElectromagnetic LensElectron Optics
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the advance of science and technology, all kinds of analytical instruments are gradually developed into miniaturization, low cost and convenience. The tabletop Electron Microscopes (tabletop EMs) have been commercialized in the recent years. A tabletop scanning electron microscope (SEM) utilizes permanent magnets as condenser lenses to minimize its size, but this sacrifices the tunability of condenser lenses such that a tabletop system can only be operated with a fixed accelerating voltage and it would be difficult to adjust if the permanent magnets decline after a long time operating. In contrast, the traditional condenser lens utilizes an electromagnetic coil to adjust the optical properties, but the size of the electromagnetic lens is inevitably larer. Here, we propose a tunable condenser lens for a tabletop SEM that uses a new design of electromagnetic coils. The overall dimensions of the newly designed lens are less than the original permanent magnet lens, but the new lens allows the tabletop SEM to be operated at different accelerating voltages between 1 kV and 15 kV.

On the other hand, in order to increase the alignment precision of the beam, here we integrate a pair of deflector with the tunable condenser lens to align electron beam. Also maintaining the compact column volume. An deflector is added in our desktop system between the anode and the condenser lens allows for more electron beam pass through the lens system to improve the signal/ noise ratio at the image plane.

Finally we success using the new type electromagnetic lens taking an image in tabletop scanning electron microscope. In this paper, we will propose theory and the basic of design to achieve the lens condition. According to the result of simulation, by the suitable design of lens and deflector, tunable lens can compensate the insufficient magnetic flux density of the traditional electromagnetic lens and the untunable defect. And also align the beam more precision than the general tabletop EM. This module can produce a smaller reduction ratio than the original and maintain the electron beam spot below 0.5 nm
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
總目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1. 電子顯微鏡發展簡介 1
2. 掃描式電子顯微鏡 4
3. 穿透式電子顯微鏡 6
4. 桌上型電子顯微鏡 8
第二章 電子光學 10
2.1 電子光學簡介與設計流程 10
2.2 場的計算 14
2.2.1 無旋與無源條件 14
2.2.2 拉普拉斯方程 16
2.3 電動力學方法推導電子軌跡方程 18
2.3.1 電磁複合場下的軌跡方程 18
2.3.2 軸對稱複合場的高斯軌跡方程 22
2.4 場和軌跡的求解方法 25
2.4.1 有限差分法求解軸對稱電磁場 25
2.4.2 Runge-Kutta求解電子運動方程 34
2.5電子光學像差 40
2.5.1像差分類 40
2.5.2 電子束斑 45
第三章 設計基礎與模擬計算 46
3.1桌上型電鏡系統模型 46
3.2電磁透鏡場計算 48
3.2.1旋轉對稱磁場的磁標量 48
3.2.2旋轉對稱磁場的近軸區 50
3.3可調式電磁透鏡 52
3.3.1電磁透鏡種類與特性 52
3.3.2桌上型電鏡之可調式電磁透鏡設計 58
3.3.3電磁線圈溫度計算 60
3.4非旋轉對稱偏轉系統 62
3.4.1偏轉系統的理想偏轉 62
3.4.2校準偏轉器設計 66
第四章 結果與討論 72
4.1可調式電磁透鏡模擬結果與實際測試 72
4.1.1磁場模擬結果與實際測試 72
4.1.2溫度模擬結果與實際測試 78
4.2電子光學系統電子軌跡與光學性質模擬結果 80
4.2.1電子軌跡模擬結果 80
4.2.2光學性質模擬結果 81
4.3影像測試 83
第五章 結論 89
參考文獻 90
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