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作者(外文):Chang, Chung-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Particulate Matters on Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis
指導教授(外文):Wang, Hsiang-Yu
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chu-Fang
Chang, Hwan-You
外文關鍵詞:Particulate MattersStaphylococcus aureusStaphylococcus epidermidis
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本研究為探討三種不同的顆粒物質對金黃色葡萄球菌(S. aureus)與表皮葡萄球菌(S.epidermidis)的影響,顆粒物質分別為可代表燃煤電廠廢氣的SRM 1633c-Trace Elements in Coal Fly和多數研究探討各式洩漏汙染時會採用的SRM 2709a-San Joaquin Soil, SRM 2711a-Montana II Soil,探討三種顆粒物質與細菌固態培養時,不同的細菌對三種顆粒物質的生長反應。
金黃色葡萄球菌在固態共培養下,第一天時2709a和2711a顆粒物質可提升S.aureus的存活率(起始菌落數: 2709a, 2711a > 1633c, Control),第二天時三種顆粒物質皆使得S.aureus的成長量大於控制組S.aureus (1633c: 101.64 %; 2709a: 120.63 %; 2711a: 135.77 %; Control: 73.59 %),經過四天培養後,實驗組的S. aureus的成長速度皆大於控制組的S. aureus(Day4: 1633c: 192.28 %; 2709a: 240.88 %; 2711a: 266.12 %; Control: 171.57 %),因此四天後,實驗組的S. aureus總面積皆大於控制組的S. aureus,而從個別菌落面積分布結果來看,個別的S. aureus對2709a和2711a的反應較為一致。
表皮葡萄球菌在固態共培養下,第一天時2709a和2711a顆粒物質可提升S.epidermidis的存活率(起始菌落數: 2709a, 2711a > 1633c, Control),接著培養四天後,三種顆粒物質皆使得控制組S. epidermidis的成長量大於實驗組的S. epidermidis (1633c: 119.18 %; 2709a: 108.38 %; 2711a: 125.78 %; Control: 143.43 %),除此之外,控制組的S. epidermidis的成長速度也皆大於實驗組的S. epidermidis(Day4: 1633c: 437.53 %; 2709a: 379.18 %; 2711a: 397.16 %; Control: 519.43 %),因此四天後,控制組的S. epidermidis總面積皆大於實驗組的S. epidermidis,而從個別菌落面積分布結果來看,個別的S. epidermidis對1633c的反應較為一致,而對2709a和2711a的反應較不同。
從擴散環實驗的結果來探討影響細菌生長的原因,從而發現,影響細菌生長並不只是單純的金屬離子,可能是不同化合物效果疊加與氧化物或金屬氧化物奈米粒子等成分存在,雖然金屬/金屬氧化物奈米粒子,或氧化物等在照光的環境下,由於更多自由基被激發,因此毒化細菌的能力會被加強,但即使未被照光,原先在奈米粒子上的自由基也可產生氧化壓毒化細菌,除此之外,透過細菌生長拍攝發現,細菌生長環境如有添加其他物質(如顆粒)會使得菌落形狀改變,而S. aureus菌落形狀對三種顆粒物質的反應相較於S. epidermidis較為劇烈。
接著,為了探討在限制養分的條件下,二種顆粒物質對S. epidermidis的影響,發現在最高濃度(900 g/m3)下,S. epidermidis的生長皆被顆粒物質抑制(1633c: 21.28 %; 2711a: 24.23 %),因此1633c和2711a並未能提供養分給S. epidermidis。最後希望往後能藉由機器學習的方式,快速分辨細菌與顆粒物質與計算細菌成長變化,因此建立一YOLO圖像語義網絡分辨細菌與顆粒物質,細菌分辨成功率達75 %,顆粒物質分辨率達25 %。
本研究結果說明在模擬真實情況下(顆粒沉降於培養在與鼻腔黏膜成分相似的培養盤的細菌上),證實顆粒物質會促進S. aureus生長和抑制S. epidermidis生長,未來希望能運用微流道的設計,探討不同濃度的金屬添加物對細菌的影響,並且使用多變量分析方式,建立資料庫。

This research is aimed at studying the effect of three PMs (1633c, 2709a, 2711a) upon S. aureus and S. epidermidis. PMs represent the emission of coal plant (1633c), and those soil used to be explored a variety of leaking pollution (2709a, 2711a). The growing response of both bacteria upon three bacteria under the solid phase culture is been studied.
Solid Phase Culture of S. aureus: the survival rate of S. aureus was increased by 2709a and 2711a at day 1 (Initial colonies’ count: 2709a, 2711a > 1633c, Control), and the ring proliferation rates of S. aureus of three experimental sets were all higher than control at day 2 (1633c: 101.64 %; 2709a: 120.63 %; 2711a: 135.77 %; Control: 73.59 %). After 4 days culture, the base proliferation rates of S. aureus of three experimental sets were all larger than control (1633c: 192.28 %; 2709a: 240.88 %; 2711a: 266.12 %; Control: 171.57 %). Therefore, the total colonies’ area of S. aureus of three experiment sets were larger than control; however, the results of the distribution of individual colonies’ area, the responses of S. aureus upon 2709a and 2711a were similar.
Solid Phase Culture of S. epidermidis: the survival rate of S. epidermidis was increased by 2709a and 2711a at day 1 (Initial colonies’ count: 2709a, 2711a > 1633c, Control), and the ring proliferation rates of S. epidermidis of three experimental sets were smaller than control at day 4 (1633c: 119.18 %; 2709a: 108.38 %; 2711a: 125.78 %; Control: 143.43 %). Except for the ring proliferation rate, the base proliferation rates of S. epidermidis of three experimental sets were all slower than control (1633c: 437.53 %; 2709a: 379.18 %; 2711a: 397.16 %; Control: 519.43 %). Therefore, the total colonies’ area of S. epidermidis of three experiment sets were smaller than control; however, the results of the distribution of individual colonies’ area, the responses of S. epidermidis upon 1633c were similar.
Diffusion Ring of Metal Ions: The results showed the influenced factors of bacterial growth not only metal ions but also the mixed effect of different compounds or the existence of oxide and metal oxide nanoparticles. Although the poisoning effect of nanoparticles can be enlarged by the light exposure due to more excited radicals, the free radicals originally on nanoparticles are able to generate ROS to poison bacteria. In addition to, by observing the growth of bacteria, the shape of bacteria is changed by the change of living environment (e.g. the addition of particles), and the responses of colonies’ shape of S. aureus upon three PMs were more obvious than S. epidermidis.
Subsequently, in order to discuss under the condition of limited nutrient, the effect of two PMs (1633c and 2711a) upon S. epidermidis. The results revealed that the growth of S. epidermidis was inhibited by 1633c and 2711a (1633c: 21.28 %; 2711a: 24.23 %) at 900 g/m3 of concentration. Therefore, 1633c and 2711a could not provide nutrient to S. epidermidis. Last but not the least, the fast recognition bacteria and PMs and the auto-calculation of the growth of bacteria will be implemented. Thus, the YOLO network for recognizing the bacteria and PMs was built, and the success rate of recognizing bacteria was up to 75 %, and success rate of recognizing PMs was 25 %.
Our research showed that PMs can promote the growth of S. aureus and inhibit the growth of S. epidermidis under the simulated real condition. In the future, by employing the design of micro-channel, the exploration of the effect of different concentrations of metal upon bacteria will be conducted, and utilize the principal component analysis to build the database.
1.1 介紹 ....................................................1
1.2 實驗目的與規劃............................................2
第2章 文獻回顧...................................................4
2.1 顆粒物質(Particulate Matter, PM)介紹.........................4
2.1.1 PM的來源及分類.............................................5
2.1.2 PM與人類疾病的關聯.........................................8
2.2 微生物族群(Microbiota)......................................10
2.2.1 微生物對人體的影響.........................................10
2.2.2 PM對微生物的影響..........................................21
2.3 微生物菌叢分析方法..........................................28
2.3.1 實驗室規模分析法..........................................28
2.3.2 微流體晶片分析............................................30
2.4 本研究室先前相關研究結果與討論...............................33
2.4.1 不同顆粒物質濃度與S. aureus消長之關係......................33
2.4.2 探討濃度900 g/m3顆粒物質中金屬元素與S. aureus消長關係.......35
第3章 實驗方法與材料.............................................37
3.1 微生物培養方法...............................................39
3.1.1 實驗藥品...................................................39
3.1.2 微生物培養液配置...........................................40
3.1.3 實驗用洋菜膠盤配置.........................................41
3.1.4 細菌培養-控制細菌初始濃度...................................41
3.2 實驗用顆粒物質...............................................42
3.2.1 SRM 1633c-Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash..................42
3.2.2 SRM 2709a-San Joaquin Soil................................44
3.2.3 SRM 2711a-Montana II Soil.................................46
3.2.4 顆粒物質濃度...............................................48
3.3 顆粒物質對細菌生長的影響......................................49
3.3.1 細菌與顆粒物質固態共培養觀察................................49
3.3.2 半自動Matlab程式觀察細菌面積與數量..........................50
3.3.3 微量離子對細菌的影響.......................................51
3.4 細菌與顆粒物質液態共培養觀察..................................53
3.4.1 點盤法觀察細菌數量.........................................54
第4章 結果與討論.................................................57
4.1 S. aureus與顆粒物質固態共培養的關係...........................57
4.1.1 三種顆粒物質對S. aureus的影響..............................57
4.1.2 SRM 1633c對S. aureus的影響................................61
4.1.3 SRM 2709a對S. aureus的影響................................63
4.1.4 SRM 2711a對S. aureus的影響................................65
4.2 S. epidermidis與顆粒物質固態共培養的關係.....................69
4.2.1 三種顆粒物質對S. epidermidis的影響.........................69
4.2.2 SRM 1633c對S. epidermidis的影響...........................72
4.2.3 SRM 2709a對S. epidermidis的影響..........................74
4.2.4 SRM 2711a對S. epidermidis的影響..........................75
4.3 微量金屬離子對細菌的影響....................................79
4.4 S. aureus和S. epidermidis受顆粒物質影響下固態生長的情況.....84
4.5 S. epidermidis與顆粒物質在限制營養條件下液態共培養的關係.....87
4.5.1 SRM 1633c對S. epidermidis 消長之關係.....................88
4.5.2 SRM 2711a對S. epidermidis 消長之關係.....................89
4.7 顆粒物質對pH影響...........................................94
第5章 結論與未來展望............................................97
5.1 結論.......................................................97
5.2 未來展望....................................................99
5.2.2 影像分析操作.............................................100
5.2.3 結果與討論...............................................103
5.3 未來實驗設計...............................................111
5.3.1 利用微流道產生包覆細菌的液滴..............................112
5.3.2 顆粒物質於液滴內細菌的應用................................112
5.3.3 多變量分析...............................................114

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