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作者(外文):Chan, Po-Siu
論文名稱(外文):Serial Entrepreneurship of Lithium Ion Battery: The Case of ROOFER GROUP
指導教授(外文):Yu, Shih-Di
外文關鍵詞:enterprise transformationentity economylithium-ionsecond ventureindustry environment
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創業難,難於上青天!卻為何還有無數的創業者繼續路上? 在中國:有這樣的創業者,他們創業是迫於無奈,是在生活中為了追求生存而做出的自然回應。數據顯示:普遍性的創業行為中,創業的成功率只有2-5%,可謂是一個很小的比例,而且,成功的定義還有不同。
Entrepreneurship is a forever topic at home. When people mention entrepreneurs’ small and medium-sized innovative undertaking or the "second venture", there will be always things to talk about. Ultimately, either entrepreneurship or the second venture, it is all for more living opportunities. In brief, start a business can give you a job, give you a chance to improve the economic condition, at the same time give your relatives and friends more job opportunities. This is the second venture. In short, it is a kind of survival behavior shown in the process of growth.
The success of entrepreneurial ventures directly affects people's lives, and the rate will generally be lower. The reason is simple: the entrepreneurial environment, time background and personal basic conditions determine the outcome. Therefore, pioneering enterprise is not easy. This is also a phenomenon that has not changed in China for thousands of years. However, a very positive reality is that there are still a lot of people who are pursuing entrepreneurship. In the domestic business data, the people of the country have almost gone and have never stopped their entrepreneurial activities. However, the statistics show that the number of ventures in 2016 was only one-fourth of that in 2015, which means that although entrepreneurs continue to come in, it is clear that they have entered a cooling-off period, and it seems that the golden opportunity for entrepreneurship has come to an end.
Pioneering enterprise is extremely difficult, but why are there so many people going to follow? In China, there are such a group of entrepreneurs who are helpless and forced to start their own business and are just responding to the pursuit of survival in their lives.
Today, the “second venture” story I shared with you is one of the more typical examples of many enterprises in my business career during the transition or second venture. It happened around 2000, and the products have been popular for nearly two decades,lithium-ion digital battery of new energy series. For such a second venture, personally, I think it is of great research value, so I especially regard this business story as a real case of my unforgettable EMBA graduation thesis, as my thanks to his alma mater, I hope that the entrepreneurial story in my thesis can provide some help for the dear students in the future transformation of the enterprise and the "second entrepreneurial" road. This is also an important purpose of my paper.
The Chinese name of my paper is The second pioneering enterprise of lithium ion battery which takes ROOFER GROUP for example.
The research content of this paper is: under different time backgrounds, different business models, and different team management, an identical product has entirely different operating results.
The article cites the case of my subordinate enterprises, Roofer Group, discussed its’ two cases of the “second venture” separated by seven years before and after to demonstrate the above findings and research results.

Keywords: enterprise transformation, entity economy, lithium-ion, second venture, industry environment

摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 論文研究的時間背景 1
1.2 論文研究的動機與目的 3
1.3 論文研究的流程 6
第二章 鋰離子電池概況 8
2.1 鋰離子電池的組成 10
2.1.1有關正極 14
2.1 .2有關負極 19
2.1.3有關隔膜 22
2.1 .4有關電解液 24
2.1 .5鋰離子電池四大主材小結 25
2.2 鋰離子電池的簡單類別 28
2.2.1 鋰離子固態電芯 29
2.2.2 鋰離子液態電芯 30
2.2.3 民企始發鋰電產品鋼殼電芯 31
2.2.4 鋰離子鋁殼方形電芯 32
2.2.6 鋰離子動力電池的發展過程與現狀 35
3.1 路華的企業轉型與創業規劃 38
3.2 路華首個鋰離子“二次創業”的過程 40
3.2.1 時間背景與影響闡述 40
3.2.2 創業團隊魏、夏、李、蔣的加盟模式 42
3.2 .3 鋰離子電池製造設備的困惑 44
3.2 .4 鋰離子電池原材料與供應鏈的分析 46
3.2 .5 鋰離子電池當年的市場分析 49
3.2 .6 生產制程的管理欠缺 51
3.3 路華電池首個二次創業案例分析 53
3.3.1 創業中的不可控因素分析 53
3.3.2 創業的時間背景不適合 54
3.3.3 用錯CEO導致核心團隊不穩定 55
3.3.4 設備與原材料的成長緩慢導致創業舉步艱難 58
3.3.5 市場的不成熟導致產銷失衡 59
3.4 路華電池首個“二次創業”的優劣勢分析 60
3.4.1 路華二次創業的優勢 60
3.4.2 路華創業的劣勢 61
3.4.3 路華首個“二次創業”失敗小結 62
3.5 首個“二次創業”失敗而得到的收穫 66
3.5.1 行業開創的經驗與人才資源 66
3.5.2 市場資源的累積與行業資訊 67
3.5.3 借機進入原材料供應商行列 68
第四章 路華集團“二次創業”的成功案例與分析 69
4.1 路華“二次創業”的時間背景與機遇 69
4.2 綜合資源的成功運用 71
4.2.1 人力資源的成長與使用 72
4.2.2 國內、外市場的成熟與客戶定位 73
4.2.3 鋰離子電池技術的成熟與累積 74
4.2.4 國產鋰離子原材料的崛起 75
4.2.5 設備製造廠家的高速成長 75
4.2.6 創新的經營管理與盈利模式 76
4.3 合適的時間背景與創業環境 78
4.4 創業創新的商業模式 79
4.5 二次創業的產品定位 81
4.6 管理團隊的高效與利益鏈 81
4.7 日韓鋰離子數碼產品因轉型而滑落 82
4.8 第三國際通信產品的崛起與替換產品的急速擴大 83
第五章 鋰離子新能源的展望與建議 85
5.1 鋰離子數碼電池的未來發展空間 85
5.2 鋰離子動力系列電池的未來發展 87
5.3 新能源時代的來臨與展望 90
5.4 對鋰離子事業的現狀分析與建議 94
5.4.1 行業經營者的素質參差不齊 95
5.4.2 政府對行業的支持定位不明確 96
5.4.3 國內的市場環境雜亂無章 97
5.4.4 國產鋰電的國際形象有待塑造 98
5.4.5 消費群體的素質引導與公民教育 100
6 參考文獻 102

李春鴻, 1996,《鋰離子二次電池 》,電池1996年06期。
胡冬冬,2017,《鋰離子電池的發展現況》,取自https://www.xzbu.com/1/view-7258577.htm 2017/5/28
賢集網,2017,《可再生能源政策快速推进,指向哪里?》,取自https://www.xianjichina.com/special/detail_344904.html 2017/07/18
Pillot, Christophe , 2017, Evolution du marché mondial des batteries rechargeables, Avicenne Energy, 3 Février 2017, Paris, France.
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