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作者(外文):Lionel, Vania
論文名稱(外文):Molecular engineering of flagellin fusion with Zika virus envelope protein domain III for intranasal vaccine development
指導教授(外文):Wu, Suh-Chin
口試委員(外文):Ma, Che
Sue, Shih-Che
外文關鍵詞:Zika VirusVaccineFlagellin fusion
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茲卡病毒是一種蚊子傳播的黃病毒,最早在獼猴身上發現,後來成為一種廣泛存在的人類疾病。自2015年爆發以來,茲卡病毒成為全世界關注的健康問題。除了可以通過蚊子傳播傳播給他人外,這種病毒還可以通過性交和母嬰垂直感染。這病毒導致成人嬰兒小頭畸形和格林 - 巴利綜合症的數量增加。考慮到這病毒有多危險和危及生命,設計一種突出,有效,安全和有效的疫苗被視為重要的。在這項研究中,提出了鞭毛素融合蛋白的鼻噴疫苗。我們利用甘氨酸 - 絲氨酸(GS)作為架橋將茲卡病毒包膜蛋白結構域三(ZDIII)與鞭毛蛋白連接來做為抗原設計。利用此設計原理我們設計了5 種不同組別 (FliC-ZDIII,FliC-2ZDIII,FliC-3ZDIII,FliCΔD3-2ZDIII和FliCΔD2ΔD3-3ZDIII)。TLR5活性體外測定顯示觸發FliC-ZDIII和FliCΔD3-2ZDIII的NF-κB活性有顯著的反應,特別是雖然FliCΔD3-2ZDIII已經失去部分鞭毛蛋白,但它仍然保有足夠的NF-κB活性。動物研究結果顯示FliC-ZDIII和FliCΔD3-2ZDIII在B細胞和T細胞上均誘導有效的免疫應答。此外,這兩種蛋白質也顯示出對ZIKV的顯著中和能力。然而,因為與FliCΔD3-2ZDIII相比,FliC-ZDIII誘導針對FliC的顯著更高的免疫應答,它可以引起高的促炎細胞因子反應。因此,FliCΔD3-2ZDIII是該項目的最佳候選者。與LTIIb-B5分子共同施用作為另外的佐劑顯示出免疫應答的輕微增加。這些發現為ZIKV疫苗提供了新的見解和設計思路。
Zika virus is a mosquito borne flavivirus first found in a macaque, which then become a widespread human disease. Besides being able to be transmitted to others by mosquito vector, this virus can also be transferred via sexual intercourse and vertical transmission from mother to child. This virus has caused increasing number of infant microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome in adults. To develop a prominent, effective, safe, and efficient vaccine has been an emergency considering how dangerous and life threatening this virus is. In this study flagellin fuse proteins with intranasal administration is proposed. The protein constructs are designed by fusing Zika virus envelope protein domain III (ZDIII) on to flagellin bridged by Glycine-Serine (GS) linkers. There are 5 candidates on this project, FliC-ZDIII, FliC-2ZDIII, FliC-3ZDIII, FliCΔD3-2ZDIII, and FliCΔD2ΔD3-3ZDIII. TLR5 functional assays shows an impressive response of triggering the NF-κB activity from both FliC-ZDIII and FliCΔD3-2ZDIII, especially although FliCΔD3-2ZDIII has lost part of the flagellin, it still can achieve almost similar NF-κB activity. Animal study results shows that FliC-ZDIII and FliCΔD3-2ZDIII induced potent immune responses both on B cells and T cells. Moreover, these two proteins also showed a prominent neutralizing ability against ZIKV. However, because FliC-ZDIII induce significantly higher immune responses against FliC compared to FliCΔD3-2ZDIII, it can cause high proinflammatory cytokine response. Therefore, FliCΔD3-2ZDIII is the best candidate on this project. Co-administration with LTIIb-B5 molecule as an additional adjuvant shows a slight increase on the immune responses. These findings provide a new insight and design idea on vaccine against ZIKV.
Table of Contents
Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Zika Virus 1
1.2. Mucosal immunity. 3
1.3. Flagellin. 3
1.4. Heat-labile toxin subunit B as an adjuvant. 5
1.5. Research aims and hypothesis. 6
2. Materials and Methods 8
2.1. Cell line culture. 8
2.2. Virus 8
2.3. Recombinant proteins construction. 8
2.4. Recombinant Protein Production and Purification 9
2.5. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE and Western Blot Analysis. 10
2.6. Toll-like Receptor 5 (TLR5)-dependent activity assay. 11
2.7. In vivo vaccination. 12
2.8. Splenocytes sampling preparation. 12
2.9. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) sampling preparation. 13
2.10. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 13
2.11. Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT) 14
2.12. T cell cytokines determination assay. 14
3. Results 17
3.1. Cloning, expression, and purification of FliC, ZDIII, LTIIb-B5, recombinant FliC and ZDIII fusion protein. 17
3.2. FliC-ZDIII, FliC-2ZDIII, FliC-3ZDIII recombinant protein functional analysis and vaccination via intranasal route. 18
3.2.1. TLR5-dependent functional assay of FliC-ZDIII, FliC-2ZDIII, FliC-3ZDIII recombinant protein. 19
3.2.2. Systemic immunity titers analysis towards Zika virus envelope domain III. 20
3.2.3. Mucosal immunity titers analysis in vaginal fluid towards Zika virus envelope domain III. 21
3.2.4. Neutralizing antibody ability against ZIKV. 21
3.3. Domain-substitution FliCΔD3-2ZDIII, FliCΔD2ΔD3-3ZDIII recombinant proteins vaccination via intranasal route. 22
3.3.1. TLR-agonist activity of FliCΔD3-2ZDIII and FliCΔD2ΔD3-3ZDIII recombinant protein. 22
3.3.2. Systemic immunity response analysis towards Zika virus envelope domain III. 23
3.3.3. Mucosal immunity response analysis towards Zika virus envelope domain III. 24
3.3.4. Neutralizing antibody ability against ZIKV. 25
3.3.5. T cells response in spleen. 25
4. Discussion 27
5. References 29
6. Figures 35
Figure 1. 36
Figure 2. 38
Figure 3. 40
Figure 4. 42
7. Tables 43
Table 1. 43
8. Supplementary Figure 44
Supplementary Figure 1. 45

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