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作者(外文):Ko, Kuang-Ting.
論文名稱(外文):Effects of circular permutation on the structure and folding pathway of trefoil-knotted protein YbeA
指導教授(外文):Lyu, Ping-Chiang
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Shang-Te
Cheng, Hui-Chun
外文關鍵詞:circular permutationknotted proteindomain swapYbeAprotein foldingtopological knot
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愈來愈多的蛋白在蛋白質資料庫中被發現具有拓樸扭結的結構,至今,有許多科學家致力於研究蛋白質如何形成如此複雜的扭結構造。其中,EcYbeA是一種31扭結蛋白,並在先前研究中發現即便是在高濃度的化學變性環境下,扭結構造依然存在。為了更加了解拓樸結在結構以及摺疊時的能量貢獻,我們利用環形重組技術來解開扭結構造,將原先蛋白質的N與C端連接起來,再於扭結結構中創造新的N與C端並維持相似的結構。在九個CP的蛋白中,僅有CP74是水溶性佳並能順利被純化的,接著我們利用生物物理與生物化學的方法來觀察CP對結構與摺疊的影響。我們解出了解析度到1.75 Å 的CP74晶體結構,並使用小角度散射技術確認CP74的四級結構與WT相似。然而圓二色光譜以及內生性螢光光譜皆呈現了CP74相較於WT在化學穩定性與熱穩定性中都較不穩定,其中,CP74在熱穩定性實驗中更被觀察到有中間態出現。在動力學實驗中,CP74蛋白展開過程和WT一樣有著兩個階段,而較慢的展開速度卻比WT慢100倍。總體而言,我們的實驗結果觀察到CP74藉由區域交換的方式形成二聚體,維持了和WT相似的整體結構,而扭結構造在穩定結構上扮演了重要的角色。
An increasing number of proteins in Protein Data Bank (PDB) have been discovered to adopt knotted topologies, and tremendous efforts have been devoted to understanding why these proteins attain such intricate structures. It has been demonstrated that the trefoil-knotted EcYbeA cannot be untied even under highly denaturing conditions in concentrated urea. To better understand the potential contributions of knots in protein structures and their associated folding energy landscapes, we generated a library of circular permutants (CPs) of EcYbeA (cpYbeA) to untie the knotted topology through linking the N- and C- termini and introducing new openings elsewhere, while maintaining the same native contacts. Of the nine CPs, CP74 was the only one that could be purified in a soluble form. We examined biophysically and biochemically the impacts of the CP. The X-ray structure of CP74 was solved to a resolution of 1.75 Å. Remarkably, CP74 underwent substantial domain swapping that lead to a similar overall molecular appearance but a completely different dimer interface. The dimeric quaternary structure of CP74 was confirmed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Additionally, results from far-UV CD and intrinsic fluorescence indicated that CP74 is chemically and thermally less stable than WT. Furthermore, an additional folding intermediate was observed during thermal unfolding. Similar to WT, CP74 exhibited two unfolding kinetic phases, but the slower phase was 100 times slower than that of WT. Collectively, our data demonstrated that CP74 could fold into a dimeric structure through domain swapping, which maintains the same native contacts as that of the parent WT, and that the knotted structure plays a pivotal role to stabilize the overall structure with minimum frustration.
Abstract ii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Abbreviations xii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Topologically knotted protein 1
1.2 Categories of knotted proteins 2
1.3 Protein folding problem 4
1.4 Proteins fold on funnel-shaped energy landscapes 5
1.5 Folding of knotted proteins 6
1.6 SPOUT family 8
1.7 Trefoil knotted protein, EcYbeA 9
1.8 Folding of YbeA 10
1.9 Circular permutation 10
1.10 Motivation 11
2 Materials and methods 13
2.1 CP construct design 13
2.2 Expression and purification 16
2.2.1 Expression test 16
2.2.2 Purification 16
2.3 Mass spectrometry 18
2.4 Size exclusion chromatography-coupled multiple angle light scattering (SEC- MALS) 18
2.5 Spectroscopic measurements 19
2.6 Equilibrium denaturation experiments: 20
2.6.1 Chemical denaturation 20
2.6.2 Thermal denaturation 21
2.6.3 Singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis 21
2.6.4 Two-state dimer denaturation model 22
2.7 Single-jump stopped-flow experiments 23
2.8 Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) 24
2.9 Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) 25
2.10 Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) 25
2.11 Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) 28
2.12 Crystallization and data collection 29
2.13 Structure determination and refinement 30
2.14 Protein-related parameters of YbeA WT and CP74 33
3 Results 37
3.1 Construction and expression of YbeA CP variants 37
3.2 Characterization of CP74 and WT 40
3.3 Cofactor binding analyses 44
3.4 Folding dynamics of CP74 and WT 46
3.5 X-ray crystal structure of CP74 52
3.6 HDX of CP74 and WT 62
3.7 Folding kinetics of CP74 68
4 Discussion 73
4.1 Cofactor binding ability 73
4.2 Domain swapping in CP74 74
4.3 Folding dynamics 75
4.4 Possible folding pathway of CP74 76
5 Conclusion 77
Reference 78
Appendix 83
Protein sequence of other YbeA CP variants 83
Crystal picture and diffraction pattern of CP74 88
Supplementary data of HDX-MS 89
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