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作者(外文):Chung, Chin-Feng
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of the Reasonableness for Operating the R&D Result Management Company by National University in Taiwan: Viewpoint of Sustainable Development of University and Law Adjustability
指導教授(外文):Lin, Che-Chun
Tsai, Chang-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:R&D Result CommercializationThe Bayh-Dole ActTechnology TransferIndustry-University CollaborationAcademic Start-UpsR&D management companyThe Law of University
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大學受政府資助委託的研究計畫所衍生之研發成果被賦予得授權於第三人進行商業使用的法律位階乃濫觴於1980年美國國會所通過的拜杜法案(Bayh-Dole Act),在此之前,美國各大學研究成果原本只能侷限於政府及國防應用,在該法案實施後,也能透過與民間企業的技術移轉或產學合作得以商業應用,所以造就了美國科技產業的興盛發展以及大學科學研究領先全球的卓越表現,而各國也先後立法效尤,包括我國的科學技術基本法及其相關子法即是其中一例。然而,大學研發成果商業化的途徑眾多,包括技術移轉(Technology transfer)、產學合作(Industry-University collaboration)、人才移動(Human capital migration)以及學術創業(academic start-ups)等。實務上,達成上述商業化目標的驅動因子,大多來自政府政策鼓勵、民間企業主動投入或教授本身的動機與社會連結程度,尤其在台灣而言,國立大學教授進行學術創業門檻相對更高,包含法規鬆綁、智財授權限制等因素。
故本文主要探討我國的國立大學在目前可以自主運作的機制下,如何形成一個營利法人組織並有效率地發現、推廣、整合與運用學校實驗室所產出的研發成果達到商業應用並自利於大學組織永續發展,建構出一個長久可行的正向發展模式,也為將來的大學法人化目標奠立可實現的基礎。研究發現英國牛津大學的OUI公司以及東京大學的TODAI TLO公司皆有明文的法律位階或行政授權讓校方得以自有資金設置100%控股之技術移轉公司,屬於營利型法人。而兩家公司在多年推動校內研發成果商業化的成果下,公司財務已獨立自主且穩健邁向永續發展。故本研究建議修訂上位的大學法並增訂其附屬管理辦法,使國立大學在邁向法人化之前,具有適格的法律位階得以設立全資持股的研發成果管理公司,借鏡國外標竿大學並接軌國際趨勢。
The Bayh-Dole Act of US had performed since 1980 that permitted US universities to license their R&D results by government funding support to the third party for commercializing. But, in early time, the R&D results only could be applied for the US government and Defense needs. According to the Act brings large positive influences, many giant technology corporations grew up by collaboration with US universities that also made a big step advance of academic research for those universities. So, the Bayh-Dole Act was a big trend for other countries in the world to imitate US government to pursue their common goals, including Taiwan government. On the other hand, the ways of technology commercialization of universities that include technology transfer, industry-university collaboration, human capital migration and academic start-ups, etc. The government policy push, industry push and the motivation and social network of faculty in university are the key driving forces to commercialize university’s R&D results, but a fact discloses some obstacles for academic start-ups due to law and regulations, especially for national universities in Taiwan.
This paper discussed a type of profit oriented R&D result management company that will be built up and operated by universities. The mission of the R&D result management company was to explore, manage and utilize the R&D results from labs in their universities and made profit from those activities. According to our findings, The OUI company of Oxford university and The TODAI TLO company of Tokyo university are both successful R&D result management company. They were permitted by law and regulations to set up and operate in their countries. So, we suggest policy maker to revise the Law of University to give the green light for spin off a R&D result management company by universities in Taiwan.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 5
第三節 研究方法 10
第二章 各國與我國推動研發成果商業化之政策工具與法規研析 12
第一節 各國做法 12
第二節 我國做法 20
第三節 小結 31
第三章 各國與我國大學的內部組織流程探討 36
第一節 我國大學組織流程變革對於研發成果商業化的影響 36
第二節 其他各國大學組織流程變革對於研發成果商業化的影響 42
第三節 小結 54
第四章 標竿研究-大學如何有效推廣研發成果商業化 56
第一節 標竿案例研析:英國牛津大學的OUI(Oxford University Innovation)公司 58
第二節 標竿案例研析:日本東京大學的TODAI TLO公司 67
第三節 小結 72
第五章 結論與建議 74
第一節 政策建議 74
第二節 具體做法 75
參考文獻 79
附錄一 83
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