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作者(外文):She, Wen-Yun
論文名稱(外文):How Rating Scales Affect Survey Satisficing Behavior in Online Surveys
指導教授(外文):Ray, Soumya
口試委員(外文):Lin, Fu-Ren
Wang, Jyun-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:online surveyvisual analogue scaleslider scalerating scalesatisficing
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此研究探討在線上問卷中,三種評定量表的輸入方式如何影響填答者追求最低要求滿意結果的行為。當填答者只追求最低要求滿意結果時,他們會用最快的速度,回答一個「夠好」的答案,而不是一個被仔細思考過的最佳的答案。我們使用的三種評定量表都已經有被用在紙本問卷或線上問卷中,包含有傳統的單選按鈕(Radio Button)、滑標(Slider)和視覺類比量表(Visual Analogue Scale)。我們將問卷發佈在亞馬遜土耳其機器人(Amazon Mechanical Turk)上,並隨機分配使用其中一種評定量表輸入方式的問卷給工作者。結果顯示視覺類比量表最不容易引起填答者追求最低要求滿意結果的行為,由此可知,研究人員未來要使用評定量表在線上問卷中時,視覺類比量表是一個比傳統的單選按鈕更好的輸入方式。
This study examined how three types of rating scale inputs in online surveys affect respondents’ survey satisficing behavior. When satisficing, respondents provide quick, “good enough” answers instead of those considered thoroughly. The three types of rating scale we consider are traditional radio buttons, sliders, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), which have previously been used in paper surveys or online surveys. We administered surveys on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and randomly assigned respondents to one of three surveys, each with one type of rating scale input. The results suggest that VAS triggered less satisficing behavior and was the easiest to use, providing another input choice for researchers when using rating scale in online surveys.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Online Survey Instruments 3
2.1. Survey Research 3
2.2. Online Survey 4
2.2.1. Types of Rating Scale in Online Survey 5
2.2. Survey Satisficing 6
2.3. Hypotheses 7
Chapter 3. Experiment and Data Collection 10
3.1. Study Design 10
3.2. Recruiting Participants 12
3.3. Survey Platform Architecture: SurveyMoonbear 13
3.1.1. Google Sheet Integration 13
3.1.2. Service Architecture 15
Chapter 4. Analysis and Results 18
4.1. Overview of the Response 18
4.2. Ease-of-Use 21
4.3. Satisficing 22
4.3.1. Item Nonresponse 22
4.3.2. Choosing Middle Rate 24
4.3.3. Variance of Each Respondent’s Answer. 25
Chapter 5. Discussion 26
5.1. Ease-of-Use 26
5.2. Satisficing 27
5.2.1. Item Nonresponse 27
5.2.2. Choosing Middle Rate 27
5.2.3. Variance of Each Respondent’s Answer 28
5.3. Overview of Types of Rating Scale 29
5.4. Limitation and Future work 31
References 33
Appendix A 36
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