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作者(外文):Hsieh, Tzu-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):How does expectancy disconfirmation influence continuance use intention of mobile banking
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Pei-Fang
口試委員(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
Wang, Chen-Ya
外文關鍵詞:Continuance use intentionExpectancy disconfirmation theoryMobile BankingService Quality
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Nowadays, banks are dedicated to digital transformation due to industry trends and user behavior change. In particular, banks put most emphasis on mobile banking services since users spend more and more time on their smartphones. To attract users, a great amount of marketing campaigns conducted promising excellent mobile services users would receive. However, banks can’t always provide such high service quality as promised which can cause expectation gaps when users actually receive the services. These gaps may cause users’ dissatisfaction and even lower their continuance use intention. Therefore, this study focuses on finding out the relationship between pre-use expectation and actual experience of mobile banking, and how the expectation gap influence continuance use intention. In addition, Advertisement exposition and function familiarity are manipulated to examine the difference of the effects between above factors. This study is based on Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) and includes specialized experimental design in mobile banking services context in Taiwan. To measure users’ pre-use expectation and perceived service performance, a service quality scale was conducted includes dimensions of reliability and responsiveness, assurance and security, convenience, efficiency, easiness to operate, and aesthetics. The result confirmed the main effects in EDT exist in the mobile banking context. Perceived performance and disconfirmation are key factors to satisfaction and continuance use intention. Besides, advertisement exposition and function familiarity moderate the relationship in EDT. Finally, the disconfirmation directions of convenience, easiness to use, and efficiency are more related to users’ attitude toward mobile banking services.
1. Introduction--------------------------------------1
2. Theoretical framework----------------------------4
3. Conceptual Development and Hypotheses--------8
4. Methodology-------------------------------------12
5. Data Analysis and Results-------------------------23
6. Discussion and Implication------------------------38
7. Limitation and Suggestion for Future Research-----42
8. Reference-----------------------------------------44
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