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作者(外文):Verma, Akash
論文名稱(中文):探討職場上跨世代的溝通障礙: 以台灣千禧世代為例
論文名稱(外文):Intergenerational Communication Barriers in the Workplace: A Perspective from Taiwanese Millennials
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yu-Wen
外文關鍵詞:millennialscommunication barriersconflictsTaiwanTaiwanese millennialsintergenerational communicationworkplace communication
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The Millennial generation is going to be the next great workforce. Since they are considered job hoppers, organizations are introducing reforms to attract and retain talented Millennial workforce by creating the environment that better fits their needs. When multiple generations are integrated into a single workplace, communication becomes a very important aspect. This thesis explores communication barriers and conflicts in the workplace setting encountered by Millennials in Taiwan and uses quantitative data analysis to understand the causes and solution to the problem. It also provides an insight of the changes organizations are undertaking to compete in the dynamic environment, general perceptions about Millennials, their workplace attitude and what firms are doing to attract, manage and retain them with the evidences from existing researches. Results of the study undertaken in this thesis provide a sketch of communication barriers and conflicts that Millennial employees face and how they think that these problems can be resolved and avoided in the workplace. The results show that unclear goals and rules are the primary cause of communication barriers and conflicts and these can be resolved directly by communication. This study provides the possibilities for further researches in order to better understand and learn about Millennials in Asian countries and communication barriers and conflicts encountered by the workforce.
Abstract … i
Acknowledgment …. ii
Table of Contents … iii
Table of Figures … v
Introduction … 1
Literature Review … 4
Millennials … 4
Stereotypes about Millennials …5
Role of Helicopter Parents … 7
Structural Changes in Organizations … 8
Communication in the Workplace …. 10
Attracting, Managing and Retaining Millennials … 15
Summary … 21
Methodology … 22
Research Design and Data Collection … 22
Participants … 23
Results … 25
Analysis of feedback towards work-life balance and employment priority .… 25
Identifying the causes of communication barriers and conflicts … 28 Understanding the recommendations to resolve and avoid communication barriers and conflicts … 29
Summary … 33
Discussion and Conclusion … 35
Limitations and Directions for Future Study … 35
Practical Implications … 36
Reference … 38
Appendix … 47
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