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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Fan
論文名稱(外文):The Structure of the Credit Card Customer Service Center: The Case Study of C Company
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih-Chang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
Tseng, Yung-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Customer ExperienceCustomer Service CenterIntelligent Customer Service
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  • 評分評分:*****
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With the rapid development of information technology, the medium of interaction between companies and customers has become more and more diversified. The main customer service demand comes from banks in Taiwan, in particular, millions of consumer financial units with issuance of credit card.

While the enterprise develops to the maturity stage, the customer service center is usually the department with the largest number of employees; as long as the scale is large enough and independent, the economic scale is the largest niche, and not only the convenience of manpower management, but the efficiency of cost. The definition of traditional customer service is to find a group of people to answer the phone, solve the customers’ complaints, and take the speed of answering calls as the performance evaluation criteria. However, one professional customer service system uses many strategies to identify the most suitable customer service agent, apply the best training, provide the greatest opportunities, and train them to become professionals with multiple skills. In view of changes in today's consumption patterns, the customer experience services have been advancing with the times and have escaped the traditional one-on-one manual customer service model, and have begun to build an Omni-channel, portability and intelligent customer service platform. The establishment of Omni-channel intelligent customer service is nothing more than to shorten the gap in information communication between customers and customers in the mobile internet era. On the one hand, it realizes the core value of customer experiences, and on the other hand, it strengthens customer adherence and creates new business opportunities. In particular, intelligent customer service also has features such as “human-machine collaboration” and “multi-tasking mode”, which has performed well in helping reduce personnel expenses, improve service effectiveness, and avoid operational risks. Take common FAQs in customer service for example, intelligent voice assistants could use instead, while the full-time employees trained as executives to take over and deal with problems that are more difficult to reduce labor costs. Besides, while there is an encounter of a full phone line of customer service, instant dialogue could direct to the chat robot, or dispersed to the text message, APP, or other communication channels, to provide flexible choices to help heighten the satisfaction of portability generation, also to accumulate the value of goodwill for the company.

Most of the time, new customers will call the customer service for assistance in trying to clarify the product information or the contents of the bill. The reply from the customer service agent only solves the current problem, but the root cause of the problem remains unresolved, while the problem lies in the basic mentality of providing service units, the culture, behavior, process, and policies of different units. In order to change and make progress, you have to rethink how to manage service operation processes and redesign the experience journeys for customers.

Key Words: Customer Experience, Customer Service Center, Intelligent Customer Service
論文摘要 I
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 9
第壹章 緒論 10
第一節 研究動機 10
第二節 研究目的 11
第三節 研究方法 13
第四節 研究架構 14
第貳章 文獻回顧 15
第一節 客服中心介紹 15
第二節 客服中心歷程 17
一、 交換機 (Private Branch Exchange, PBX) 時期: 17
二、 話務自動分配 (Automatic Call Distribution,ACD) 時期: 17
三、 電話語音服務系統(Interactive Voice Response,IVR) 時期: 18
四、 電腦電話整合(Computer Telephony Integration,CTI)時期: 18
五、 多媒體 (Multiple Media Call Center) 整合時期: 19
六、 顧客關係管理 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) 結合時期: 19
第三節 資料倉儲 21
第四節 資料探勘 22
一、 關聯分析(Association Rule): 22
二、 分類與預測(Classification and Prediction): 22
三、 群聚技術(Clustering): 22
第參章 產業概況 24
第一節 玉山銀行 24
一、 服務網路 24
二、 財務績效 24
三、 業務績效 27
四、 玉山e客服 27
五、 玉山小i 28
第二節 國泰世華銀行 30
一、 公司簡介 30
二、 營運概況 30
三、 研究發展 31
四、 供需狀況及發展遠景之有利及不利因素 34
第肆章 個案公司背景 36
第一節 公司簡介 36
第二節 信用卡暨支付業務營運概況 40
一、 業務內容: 40
二、 經營計劃: 40
三、 產業概況 42
四、 研究與發展: 43
五、 未來研究發展: 46
第三節 客戶服務 47
一、 創新生活支付 48
二、 數位體驗分行 48
三、 社區金融中心 49
四、 中國信託智能客服小C 51
第伍章 結論與建議 52
第一節 開啟多通路數位服務新紀元 52
第二節 信用卡支付常見問題 53
第三節 對於信用卡支付之建議 54
第四節 客服中心常見問題 56
一、 客服人員花費太多時間作重複的工作 56
二、 只著重於問題解決,未留下標準文件 56
三、 教育訓練問題 57
四、 一次解決 57
第五節 對於客服中心的建議 58
第六節 顧客體驗 61
參考文獻 62
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