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作者(外文):Li, Pei-Jung
論文名稱(中文):共享經濟Uber商業模式探討- 以台灣與美國加州為例
論文名稱(外文):Uber’s Business Model of Sharing Economy: A Case Study on Taiwan and US Uber
指導教授(外文):Yu, Shih-Ti
Tsai, Tzu-Hao
口試委員(外文):Kuo, Chi-Hsien
Tang, Ying-Hua
外文關鍵詞:Sharing EconomyBusiness ModelUberStrategy
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  • 評分評分:*****
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As the saying goes, it is not necessary to own everything that you need. This sentence explains the mode and spirit of the sharing economy. Since 2006, technology has developed rapidly. Consumers have started to use smart phones and APPs. Platform establishment services, the evaluation system of online shopping habits all help the establishment of a mechanism for trusting strangers. Since the establishment of FaceBook in 2006, it has gradually changed the way information is disseminated. As social networks, such as Twitter, Line, and Instagram emerged, it is very easy for new ideas and creative ideas to spread out. The sharing economy is a business model that focuses on the sharing of the general public. Uber is a representative example under the trend of the sharing economy. Founded in 2009, Uber has provided services in more than 500 cities around the world, and the sharing economy must not be underestimated. In the future, there will be more applications. Driverless cars, air taxis, one-touch calling, vertical take-off and landing, and automatic driving are the future development directions. Uber is not only relying on the concept of sharing economy and the development of new technologies. It also uses the social network for a better media marketing, so that it does not have to spend high advertising fees and endorsement fees to catch people's eyes around the world.

However, in Taiwan, Uber suspended its business due to high illegal fines in early 2017 and it reopened after adjusting its business model. At the end of 2017, Reuters reported that the EU Supreme Court ruled that Uber belongs to the transportation industry. When start-ups in technology field and traditional industries compete with each other, how to win the trust of the authorities and the public to allow them to gain a deeper understanding of the operating mode of this emerging transportation tool? This paper combines the industry analysis and Uber case studies to explore whether the Uber's operating model in sharing economy's can carry on the spirit of sharing economy and entrepreneurship in Taiwan. It also explores whether the Taiwan government has a better way to face new industries in sharing economy.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 3
2. 文獻回顧 4
2.1. 共享經濟 4
2.1.1. 共享經濟的定義 4
2.1.2. 共享經濟起源 5
2.1.3. 共享經濟的驅力 8
2.2. 競爭策略分析文獻 11
2.2.1. 安索夫矩陣The Ansoff Matrix 11
2.2.2. SWOT 分析 13
2.2.3. 五力分析 15
2.2.4. 三種基本的競爭策略 18
2.2.5. 產品生命週期 19
2.3. 行銷策略 22
2.3.1. 行銷4Ps 22
2.3.2. 行銷4C 23
2.4. 關係與信任承諾 26
3. 研究方法 28
3.1研究流程與架構 28
3.1.1. 研究流程 28
3.1.2. 本論文架構如下 29
4. UBER個案研究分析 30
4.1. UBER緣起與基本介紹 30
4.2. Uber的使用方式與特色 32
4.2.1. 如何使用Uber App (How to use the Uber app?) 32
4.3. Uber的車型種類與服務類型 35
4.4. Uber 發展現況與分析 37
4.4.1. Uber 美國加州市場發展與現況 37
4.4.2. Uber台灣市場發展與現況 50
4.5. UBER營運模式與發展策略 56
4.5.1. UBER營運模式 56
4.6. Uber的五力分析 59
4.6.1. 現有競爭者 59
4.6.2. 買方的議價能力(乘客) 59
4.6.3. 供應商的議價能力(司機) 60
4.6.4. 潛在競爭者(新進入者的威脅) 62
4.6.5. 替代品或服務的威脅 63
5. 結論與建議 65
5.1. 研究結論 65
5.2. 研究限制 68
5.3. 未來研究方向 68
6. 參考文獻 70
6.1. 中文部分 70
6.1.1. 論文 70
6.1.2. 書籍和期刊 70
6.1.3. 網路資料 71
6.2. 英文部分 72

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