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作者(外文):Huang, Yi-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Factors Influencing the Desire for Local In-Depth Feature Tours at Business Travel Location for Business Travelers
指導教授(外文):Yu, Shih-Ti
Tsai, Tzu-Hao
外文關鍵詞:sharing economyservice-oriented logicbusiness travelersin-depth travel
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經由文件資料收集、目標客群問卷調查等手法,將資料透過歸納法分析整理。問卷調查中,透過Line群組聊天室、Messenger和電子郵件等方式發出問卷 372 份,回收問卷共 206 份,有效問卷共 196 份。調查受訪者的性別、年齡、職業、商務據點當地旅遊體驗的意願、進行當地旅遊體驗的痛點、對於當地旅遊體驗的期待,運用描述性統計分析、卡方檢定裡面的獨立性檢定和T檢定等統計手法。從中釐清現有旅遊網站單向廣播為主的旅遊資訊和功能服務,與商務旅客所需要的協助與旅遊據點當地資訊之間,是否有差異之處?且未完善處有其改善的空間為何?最終以研究結果,重新連結「共享經濟」對供給與需求的影響,提出旅遊服務資源的供給與需求重新有效配置的建議與方案。

1. 彙整現有熱門客製化旅遊網站資源與提供的服務現況
2. 了解商務旅客出差地旅遊服務需求所在
3. 建議現行旅遊業者,針對商務旅客需求,強化配套措施並提供對應服務。

With the evolution of the Internet, marketable goods and services have become well established on a global economic scale. With new information technology and social media, the spread of ideas has likewise been diversified and streamlined. Obtaining marketing data has never been easier in today’s modern world. New business and economic strategies have evolved alongside technology. Transactions among peers have been drastically simplified and shortened over the years. By optimizing resources and simplifying transaction of services, it is interesting to see the effectiveness in transforming a small-scale regional operation into one that is scalable and self-sustaining. This peer-to-peer “sharing economy” is the epitome of this type of social optimization concept.

The highly service-oriented tourism industry provides many packaged tours and services. These travel packages and service information are then sorted and posted on each agency’s website or platform. However, not all travelers have the time to review information presented in the traditional method. In this study, the target audience group are business travelers, who have significantly more time constraints than leisure tourists do. To collect the needs and expectations of business travelers for in-depth analysis, a questionnaire was developed. Through the responses of the questionnaire, statistical analyses were implemented by focusing on the needs of business travelers and further delve into the travel viability of the in-depth featured tours. In relation to the core concept of “service-oriented logic”, all participants work together to create value using a process of continuous interaction between peers to become self-sustaining. Efficiency and accuracy on customer demands are the key driving factors in this competitive market.

The study group consists of 372 business travelers gathered through Line Group Chat Room, Facebook Messenger and e-mails. Of the 372 questionnaires sent, 196 valid ones were collected. Descriptive statistical analysis, chi-square test and t-test were applied to investigate the collected feedback. According to the research results, supply and demand are linked to “sharing economy”, whereas further study into comparative patterns and identifiers between each type of business travelers are needed. In addition, effective allocation of supply and demand for tourism service resources to in-depth travel is proposed.

The research contributes the followings:
1. Consolidation of existing popular customized travel website offerings
2. Understanding of the needs of business travelers on business travel services
3. Recommendation to tourism service providers and travel agents based on the needs of business travelers to strengthen their services to these clients.

Keywords: sharing economy, service-oriented logic, business travelers, in-depth travel

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 5
第二章、文獻探討 6
2.1 共享經濟 6
2.1.1 共享經濟的源起 6
2.1.2 整體發展現況 7
2.1.3 共享經濟的衝擊 8
2.2 電子商務 10
2.2.1 電子商務的定義 10
2.2.2 電子商務的發展 10
2.3 服務主導邏輯 12
2.3.1 前提與定義 12
2.3.2 觀點 13
2.3.3 可能性 13
2.4 商務旅客訪臺相關調查 15
2.4.1 商務旅客定義 15
2.4.2 商務旅客訪臺人數趨勢 15
2.4.3 商務旅客訪臺消費概況 17
2.4.4 商務旅客特性與旅遊偏好 18
2.5 旅遊網站的服務與商品 19
2.5.1 Viator、KKDay、KLOOK、MyTaiwanTour旅遊網站介紹與內容 19
2.5.2 各旅遊網站的異同 22
2.6 深度旅遊的定義 24
第三章、研究對象定義與問卷設計 25
第四章、研究結果與討論 26
4.1 商務旅客受訪者樣本特性 26
4.2 商務旅客商務旅行屬性分析 30
4.3 商務旅客公務空閒利用分析 33
4.4 商務旅客深度旅遊相關分析 35
4.5 影響商務旅客出差地進行文化或深度旅遊的發現 39
第五章、結論與建議 44
5.1 結論 44
5.2 研究建議與限制 45
參考文獻 46
附錄-問卷 49
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