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作者(外文):Yang, Yu-Ju
論文名稱(外文):The Reform of Cadaveric Organ Donation Law: Lessons from the Practices of Mandated Choice and Presumed Consent
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chung-Lin
口試委員(外文):Liang, Chiih-Ming
Chang, Chao-Tien
外文關鍵詞:Organ donationInformed ConsentPresumed ConsentMandated ChoiceLaw in actionOrgan procurement policy
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The shortage of organ donation has been a long complex problem for Taiwan and other countries. According to statistics, there were 9622 people demanding transplants in Taiwan back in 2018, but only 327 cadaveric transplants were performed. Over the past 15 years, an average of 598 people died per year due to the scarcity of healthy organs. The organ donation systems implemented in countries around the world include informed consent, mandated choice, and presumed consent, in which Taiwan implements informed consent. According to statistical results, countries that carry out presumed consent have a significant increase of 20% to 30% of donation rate compared with those that implement informed consent. Therefore, this thesis believes implementing a donation default system can structurally increase the donation rate and save more lives.
Due to the particularity of organ donation, the uncertainty of medical treatment, autonomy of donors, as well as strong interventions of family members, it is unlikely to suddenly change the default of organ donation. Therefore, this discussion is based on the foundation of the Constitution that a country is obliged to protect people’s right of life, to respect people’s autonomy of their decisions after death, to portray the gap between theoretic models and law in action, and to discuss case studies of models in action. Models include informed consent in Taiwan, mandated choice in New Jersey, and presumed consent in Spain. Through an in-depth understanding of law in action in these countries, the difference between models and reality, to then further speculate whether it can be applied to Taiwan.
This thesis found that there is a discrepancy between law in practice and law in action in Spain. Citizens need to be committed, or a family member’s consent is required to become a donor, only without one of two requirements mentioned above will the organs be presumed donated. Therefore, presumed consent law in Spain is considered as a symbolic law. Due to the mainstream of family-centered medical decision-making in Taiwan, this thesis believes that instead of the compulsory choice that emphasizes individualism in the United States, the Spanish presumed consent is preferable. This thesis suggests applying the Spanish presumed consent while learning from the administrative agency inquiry mechanism in New Jersey.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 問題意識與研究方法 5
第一項 問題意識 5
第二項 研究方法 6
第三節 研究架構 8
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 10
第二章 取得捐贈器官之背景 12
第一節 器官取得途徑 12
第一項 器官捐贈分類 12
第二項 死亡判準對於器官捐贈的時間點推移 13
第二節 器官捐贈所涉權利衝突 15
第一項 財產權 15
第二項 身體權 16
第三項 健康權 17
第四項 生存權 19
第五項 親屬人格權 20
第六項 所涉權利間關係 20
第三章 器官捐贈模式與實行案例 23
第一節 器官捐贈抉擇模式 23
第一項 個人生前器官抉擇之政策種類 23
第二項 家屬權利的分界 28
第三項 選擇觀察的國家 29
第二節 知情同意制度在我國施行 32
第一項 器官捐贈向民眾招募程序 33
第二項 器官捐贈臨床操作程序 35
第三項 家屬參與和決策 39
第四項 「實踐中的法」觀點下的洞察 42
第三節 西班牙修正式推定同意 43
第一項 西班牙的器官捐贈推定同意施行 43
第二項 「實踐中的法」觀點下的洞察 47
第三項 制度評價 48
第四節 強制抉擇在美國紐澤西州實行 49
第一項 美國紐澤西州的器官捐贈施行概述 49
第二項 「實踐中的法」觀點下的洞察 55
第三項 制度評價 56
第四章 對我國制度建議 58
第一節 個案的啟示 58
第一項 無法採用強制抉擇 58
第二項 採用修正式推定同意 61
第二節 政策方向 62
第一項 修正式推定同意 62
第二項 推定同意的移植條例修訂 63
第三項 器捐同意卡與家屬詢問 64
第四項 特別補償制度 65
第三節 制度配套的細節規劃 66
第一項 行政機關配合詢問 67
第二項 教育落實 67
第三項 建立評估機制 68
第四項 資源分配 69
第五章 結論 71
參考資料 75
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16. Rithalia A., McDaid C, et al., A systematic review of presumed consent systems for deceased organ donation, 13(26) HEALTH TECH. ASSESSMENT 1 (2009).
17. Rodríguez-Arias, Wright, et al., Success Factors and Ethical Challenges of the Spanish Model of Organ Donation, 376(9746) LANCET 1109 (2010).
18. Shih, Lai, et al., The dilemma of "to-be or not-to-be": needs and expectations of the Taiwanese cadaveric organ donor families during the pre-donation transition, 53(6) SOC. SCI. MED. 693 (2001).
19. Spital, A., Mandated choice. The preferred solution to the organ shortage?, 152(12) ARCHIVES INTERNAL MED. 2421 (1992).
20. Spital, A., Mandated Choice for Organ Donation- Time To Give It a Try, 125(1) ANN. INTERNAL MED. 66 (1996).

III. Guidebooks & Pamphlets
1. Donate Life New Jersey, High School Heroes Organ and tissue donation classroom guide. Available at https://www.donors1.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/New-Jersey-High-School-Heroes-Classroom-Guide.pdf (Last visited: Dec. 25, 2020).
2. NJ Sharing Network, How to Start a Donate Life Club, Available at https://www.njsharingnetwork.org/file/StartADonateLifeClub_Web.pdf (Last visited: Dec. 27, 2020).
3. NJ Sharing Network, YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SAVE LIVES. Available at https://www.njsharingnetwork.org/file/HSH_YouHaveThePower_2020.pdf (Last visited: Dec. 27, 2020).

IV. Websites
1. Andrew Kitchenman. More NJ Residents Agreeing to Become Organ Donors. (2013). Available at https://www.njspotlight.com/2013/04/13-04-08-more-nj-residents-agreeing-to-become-organ-donors/
2. Chris Barry. Opt In, Opt Out, and (Modified) Mandated Choice. (2013). Available at http://www.livercancergenomics.com/opt-in-opt-out-and-modified-mandated-choice/
3. G. Brown. Organ donations help us make a difference. The Telegraph (2008). Available at https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1575442/Organ-donations-help-us-make-a-difference.html
4. Mark Hallam and Astrid Prange. German parliament: Explicit consent still necessary from organ donors. (2020). Available at https://www.dw.com/en/german-parliament-explicit-consent-still-necessary-from-organ-donors/a-52022245
5. Mark E. Neumann. Presumed consent helpful for increasing transplants in Spain, but challenges remain. Nephrology News & Issues (June 05, 2020) . Available at https://www.healio.com/news/nephrology/20200605/presumed-consent-helpful-for-increasing-transplants-in-spain-but-challenges-remain.
6. Mary E. O'Dowd & Raymond P. Martinez. Give the Gift of Life By Becoming a an Organ Donor. State of New Jersey Department of Health (2013). Available at https://www.nj.gov/health/news/2013/approved/20130424a.shtml
7. Michael Hill. Organ donations on the rise in NJ. Health (2018). Available at https://www.njtvonline.org/news/video/organ-donations-rise-nj/
8. Ministry of Health Singapore. Human Organ Transplant Act. Legislation. Available at https://www.moh.gov.sg/policies-and-legislation/human-organ-transplant-act (Last visited: Dec. 24 2020)
9. NJ Sharing Network. Available at https://www.njsharingnetwork.org/ (Last visited: Dec. 25, 2020).
10. Organ and Tissue Donation and Recovery for New Jersey Nurses. Online Continuing Education Course. Available at https://wildirismedicaleducation.com/courses/nj-organ-tissue-donation-ceu (Last visited: Dec. 24 2020)
11. Organ Donation New Zealand, Organ Donation New Zealand, Available at https://www.donor.co.nz/. (Last visited: Feb. 1, 2021).
12. Organización Nacional de Trasplantes. Preguntas Frecuentes. Available at http://www.ont.es/informacion/paginas/preguntasfrecuentes.aspx (Last visited: Dec. 27 2020)
13. Seth Augenstein. N.J. hopes to boost low organ donation numbers. 2nd. (2012, 2019). Available at https://www.nj.com/news/2012/04/state_hopes_to_boost_low_organ.html
14. Susie Forrest. What Spain can teach Scotland about organ donatio. BBC NEWS (Oct. 17, 2019). Available at https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-50069474.
15. The Taiwan Gazette. Taiwanese In The Dark On Organ Donation (Feb. 25 2019). Available at https://www.taiwangazette.org/news/2019/2/22/taiwanese-in-the-dark-on-organ-donation
16. Uniform Law Commission. Real World Impact of Our Acts. Spotlight ULC. Available at https://www.uniformlaws.org/aboutulc/spotlightulc (Last visited: Dec. 24 2020)
17. William Isdale & Julian Savulescu. Families shouldn’t be allowed to veto organ donation. Health+Medical (2016). Available at https://theconversation.com/families-shouldnt-be-allowed-to-veto-organ-donation-51183
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