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作者(外文):Chiu, Yi-Shu
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Omnichannel Characteristics Toward Customer Retention Across Product Types and Customer Purchase Behavior.
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Hung-Chang
口試委員(外文):WENG, JING-JING
外文關鍵詞:OmnichannelMultichannelConsistencyCustomer orientationAccessibilityInteractionCustomer retention
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Thanks to fast developing technology, more channels are now available for customers. We can now complete our purchase cross many different channels.
From IDC Retail insights and other research, we found that compare to single channel customers, multichannel customers spend 15%~30% more money than average and omnichannel customers spend 20% more money than multichannel customers. Also, customer royalty of omnichannel customer is much higher than multichannel, to say nothing of single channel. Omnichannel helps retailers not only enhance their sales but also build positive reputation. It is clear that omnichannel is a rising new trend.
However, literature about multichannel is far more than which of omnichannel and the characteristics of omnichannel are separated discussed in different literature. So in our study, we reviewed prior research and concluded four important characteristics for omnichannel which are consistency, customer orientation, accessibility and interaction. Then present hypotheses to see whether these omnichannel characteristics have a positive effect toward customer retention.
If the positive effect do exist, then we want to make a further test to see whether the positive relationship would be influenced by moderator. And how would it affect?
We chose product types and customer purchase behavior to be our moderator and used study 1 and study 2 to explore how moderator would affect the positive relationship between characteristics and customer retention.
From our result, all characteristics have positive influence toward customer retention. Furthermore, interaction influence the most. With the limited time and cost, retailers can take interaction as the first priority to improve. Product types don’t possess a significant difference on customer retention. But if the experience goods retailers can put more emphasis on interaction would effectively enhance customer retention.
Product type don’t possess a significant difference on customer retention. But if experience goods retailers can put more emphasis on interaction would effectively enhance customer retention. To customer purchase behavior, the result told us to focus on consistency and interaction can improve customer retention.
Omnichannel as a new trend, we don’t have too much data to apply. We hoped that through our research, we can give those retailers who want to make an improve in omnichannel some practical suggestion.
1. Introduction………………………………………………………. - 1 -
2. Theoretical Issues………………………………………………… - 5 -
2.1 Omnichannel Characteristics……………………………… - 5 -
2.1.1 Consistency…………………………………………. - 11 -
2.1.2 Customer Orientation……………………………… - 12 -
2.1.3 Accessibility……………………………………….... - 15 -
2.1.4 Interaction…………………………………………... - 17 -
2.2 Hypotheses for Moderating Effect……………………….. - 19 -
2.3 Product Types……………………………………………… - 20 -
2.4 Customer Purchase Behavior………………………………. - 23 -
2.5 Customer Retention………………………………………... - 24 -
3. Methodology……………………………………………………… - 26 -
3.1 Research Framework………………………………………. - 26 -
3.2 Sample and Data Collection……………………………….. - 27 -
3.3 Questionnaire Design and Measure………………………... - 28 -
4. Data analysis……………………………………………………… - 33 -
4.1 Reliability and Validity…………………………………….. - 33 -
4.2 Hypotheses Testing……………………………………….... - 36 -
5. Conclusions………………………………………………………. - 42 -
5.1 Discussion and Managerial Implications…………………... - 42 -
5.2 Limitations and Future Directions…………………………. - 46 -
References………………………………………………………… - 49 -

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