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作者(外文):Mai, Te-Ke
論文名稱(外文):Pricing Carbon Emissions for China and Volatility Spillover Effects for Regional and National Markets
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Hwei-Lin
McAleer, Michael
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chao-Hsi
Chou, Jui-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:Pricing China Carbon EmissionsNational Pricing PolicyConditional VolatilityVolatility SpilloversEnergy Finance
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Since 2013, eight regional China carbon emissions markets have been established, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chongqing, Hubei and Fujian. The Central Government announced a national carbon emissions market, with power generation as the first industry to be considered. Carbon permits have become one of the key measure to address climate change and global warming, as well as an important financial asset, as it closely related to energy sectors.To analyze China carbon emission, the thesisconsists of three parts. Part 1 review and compare the background, coverage standard, carbon allocation method,pricing policy, regulationsand remaining problems in different regions, which gets an exhaustive view of China regional markets. Part 2 is to establish national carbon emissions prices for the People’s Republic of China, which is one of the world’s largest producers of carbon emissions. Two sources of regional data for China’s carbon allowances are taken into consideration, which are based on primary and secondary data sources, and compares their relative strengths and weaknesses. For purposes of establishing a single indicative price for carbon emissions in China, the empirical results suggest that the Arithmetic Mean of the National Primary and Secondary prices leads to the optimal prices for carbon emissions in China. Part 3 is to analyze the conditional variance and co-variances of China regional and national markets, as well as the volatility spillover effects. We imply a multivariate GARCH model, namely diagonal BEKK model, to calculate the conditional covariance matrix, using both primary and secondary data. Furthermore, using the definition of Chang et al. (2015) we estimate and test for the partial volatility spillover effects for regional and national markets.Significant partial co-volatility spillover effects were found from Guangdong to Shenzhen, Shenzhen to National and Guangdong to National markets, and inverse.
Abstract I
Acknowledgement III
Chapter 1.Introduction 1
Chapter 2.Literature Review 6
Chapter 3.Pricing Carbon Emission for China 12
Chapter 4.Establishing National Carbon Emission Prices for China 34
Chapter 5.Modelling Conditional Covariances and Volatility Spillovers for National and Regional Carbon Markets in China 57
Chapter 6.Conclusion 68
Chapter 7. Appendix A: Tables 70
Chapter 8. Appendix B: Figures 100
Chapter 9. References 134
Chapter 10. Data Website References 138
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