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作者(中文):雷 瑩
作者(外文):Lei, Ying
論文名稱(外文):Word-of-Mouth, Marketing and Movie Box Office Performance: the case of the Chinese market
指導教授(外文):Chyi, Yih-Luan
口試委員(外文):Liu, Ruey-Hua
Lin, Shih-Chang
外文關鍵詞:word-of-mouthmarketingmovie box office
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:75
  • 評分評分:*****
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The study was based on 463 films released in China in the year of 2017 to explore the impact of the following variables on the movie box office: per capita, audience word-of-mouth score, movie trailer browsing, search titles on the website, the winning status of director and actor, sequel, film type and producer country. In the study, the film is divided into foreign films, joint venture films and domestic films. The cognitive index, ticket-buying index and word-of-mouth index are added to verify the influence factors of the box office. The results show that the influence of word-of-mouth and marketing on the box office is significant. The awards of the directors and actors did not have a significant influence on the box office, the film genre has a significant impact on foreign films and domestic films, and the joint venture film is not significant; the cognitive index, the ticket-buying index and the Word-of-mouth index are closely related to the box-office income. In addition to discussing the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables, this study also discusses the relationship between the box office and the characteristics of the film in the first-tier and second-tier cities. It turns out that the sequel film is easier to obtain high box office and the feature of the film type is not obvious.
摘要 II
Abstract III
致謝 IV
第一章 導論 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 電影的產品屬性 4
2.2 票房研究模型 7
2.2.1 影片類型 7
2.2.2 演員和導演 8
2.2.3 續集電影 8
2.2.4 銀幕數量 9
2.2.5 廣告宣傳 9
2.2.6 觀眾評分 10
第三章 實證模型 11
3.1 資料來源 11
3.2 研究模型 17
3.3 實證結果 18
第四章 結論 31
參考文獻 33
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