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作者(外文):Chen, Jeng-Peng.
論文名稱(外文):Default Risk Prediction Based on Neural Network Model
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Tzu-Hao
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Chi-Feng
Lin, Shih-Chang
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:162
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:26
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在近幾年來,隨著電腦及硬體設備的提升和相關理論基礎的研究累積,人工智慧已經在各領域當中發光發熱,並且得到許多實務上的應用,而在近幾年金融科技發展浪潮之下,人工智慧在財務領域上的應用卻不及在其他領域上的發展和應用。在本文中提出利用人工智慧當中著名的深度學習模型 - 類神經網路模型來探討公司違約風險的預測,透過利用增加隱藏層、以及提出與一般類神經網路模型較為特殊模型架構和自定義的損失函數設定,來克服不平衡資料所帶來的問題,並且作為本文中所主要使用的類神經網路模型。

In recent years, with the increase of computer and hardware equipment and the accumulation of relevant theoretical foundations, artificial intelligence has been glowing in various fields and has been applied in many practical applications, and with the wave of FinTech development, the application of artificial intelligence in the financial field is not as good as the development and application in other fields. In this paper, we use the deep learning model of artificial intelligence model - neural network model to forecast of company credit default risk, through the use of increased hidden layers, and the proposed special model architecture and dynamic loss function setting to overcome the problems caused by imbalance data.

The data used in this thesis are the company data from January 2012 to December 2016, and the variables of the data can be divided into the following five categories : (1) the macroeconomic variables (2) the basic information variables in company’s charger (3) firm’s characteristics variables (4) Financial ratio and (5) firm’s credit information variables. In the final prediction results, the overall predictive power and default amount, compared with other classical models such as the Logistic Regression model, Random Forest model, the neural network model proposed in this paper is the best predictive power and the default amount is the smallest, which is the best model for default prediction.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 III
1. Introduction 1
2. Methodology 5
2-1 Architecture of Neural Network Model 5
2-1-1 Basic Architecture of Neural Network Model 5
2-1-2 Architecture of Neuron 5
2-1-3 Special Architectures of Neural Network Model 6
2-1-4 Embedding 6
2-2 Forward Propagation 7
2-2-1 Linear Combination and Non-Linear Transformation 7
2-2-2 Activation Functions 8
2-2-3 Loss Functions 10
2-2-4 Special Loss Function 12
2-3 Backward Propagation 13
2-3-1 Gradient Descent Algorithms 13
2-4 Confusion Matrix and Benchmarks 15
2-4-1 Confusion Matrix 15
2-4-2 Benchmarks 16
3. Data 17
3-1 The Company Data 17
3-2 The Economics Data 17
4. Empirical Result 23
5. Conclusions 25
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