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作者(外文):Tsai, Hsin-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Preliminary Research of Fiber-Optic Monitoring System in Intelligent Agriculture Environment
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li- Karn
口試委員(外文):Feng, Kai-Ming
Kan, Ta- Ro
外文關鍵詞:Agricultural environmentsurveillance systemoptical fiberFiber TransceiverSensorSerial communication
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:109
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:14
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This thesis presents a fiber-optic monitoring system for intelligent agricultural environments, which is divided into three parts. One is a system of diversified sensors required for smart agriculture, including those for measuring voltage, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, pH values and other parameters. The second is a transmission system that uses the technique of optical fiber communication starting with RS485-formatted pick-up signals in greenhouses. And the third is a real-time computer-based display system that shows the agricultural greenhouse conditions.
The single-mode fiber system can monitor multiple agricultural greenhouses and can also avoid the interference arising from the agricultural production environment. Besides, the remote monitoring system using multiple sensors can have a surveillance over the agricultural production environment to get the abnormal conditions that could be remedied by corresponding measures in the shortest time.
This thesis demonstrates the working principle of remotely monitoring an intelligent agricultural environment containing two separate greenhouses with a low construction cost and a rapid surveillance. This could provide a significant solution for agricultural planting in the trend of aging society with fewer children
致謝 I
摘要 II
第一章 緒論 9
1.1 論文架構 9
1.2 研究背景 9
1.3 研究動機 10
1.4 文獻回顧 12
1.4.1 使用分散式模組的環境控制系統研究 12
1.4.2 基於無線傳輸模式之生態系統研究 13
1.4.3 利用Zigbee模組建立智慧農場的無線感測網路 14
第二章 原理與介紹 18
2.1 光纖原理介紹 18
2.2 光纖耦合器原理介紹 20
2.3 光纖收發器原理介紹 21
2.4 電壓感測器原理介紹 22
2.5 溫濕度感測器原理介紹 23
2.6 二氧化碳感測器原理介紹 25
2.7 酸鹼值感測器原理介紹 26
2.8 光纖通訊架構原理介紹 27
2.8.1光纖通訊架構原理 27
2.8.2資料通訊傳輸原理 28
2.8.3資料通訊傳輸封包內容 29
第三章 實驗架構 30
3.1 實驗架構介紹與說明 30
3.1.1 單一溫室系統架構說明 30
3.1.2 雙溫室系統架構說明 34
3.1.3 智慧化遠端雙向自動化量測系統說明 37
3.2 微控制器控制系統說明 40
3.2.1 Arduino mega 2560與ATmega328說明 40
3.3 光纖元件性質簡介 42
3.3.1 光纖性質 42
3.3.2 光纖耦合器性質 43
3.3.3 光纖收發器 44
3.4 感測元件性質簡介 46
3.4.1 電壓感測元件性質 46
3.4.2 溫溼度感測元件性質 47
3.4.3 二氧化碳感測元件性質 48
3.4.4 酸鹼值感測元件性質 49
第四章 實驗結果與分析 51
4.1 實驗規劃 51
4.2 單一溫室各感測器個別實際量測結果 54
4.2.1 電壓感測器實際量測結果 54
4.2.2 溫溼度感測器實際量測結果 56
4.2.3 酸鹼值感測器實際量測結果 59
4.2.4 二氧化碳感測器實際量測結果 62
4.3 單一溫室所有感測器同時實際量測結果 64
4.4 雙農業溫室所有感測器同時實際量測結果 66
第五章 結論 71
5.1 實驗之結論 71
5.2 未來展望 72
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