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作者(外文):Liao, Cheng-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Spontaneous Emission Rate Enhancement Through Optical Slot Antennas for Possible Realization of a High Speed LED
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Chang
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
Hung, Yu-Chueh
外文關鍵詞:Optical slot antennaSpontaneous emission rate enhancementHigh-speed LED
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  • 點閱點閱:178
  • 評分評分:*****
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自從雷射的出現,長距離光通信系統大多以此光源來產生光信號。這種優先於其他基本光源,例如,發光二極管(LED)的使用是起因於雷射利用了受激發射(Stimulated emission),使此光源可獲得較高的輸出功率,較窄的線寬和較大的帶寬容量。然而,當涉及到諸如片上光通信之類的短規模通信網絡時,這些發光器件由於採用大腔體以及高功耗而造成其不適合作為此類通訊網路的發光器件。
另一方面,LED由於仰賴自發發射(Spontaneous emission)來出光,其較不會被尺寸或雷射所要求的閾值條件給限制。因此,它們不會佔用太多空間,也不會消耗大量的能量來進行操作。不幸的是,LED的調變速度不足一直是讓該設備在現代通信世界中”發光”的阻礙點。這起因於LED固有的低自發發射率及其與輸出功率無關的特性,造成這個發光設備只能以200MHz左右的速率被直接調變,這與典型調製速度約為50 GHz的雷射相比實在太慢了。幸運的是,發光器的自發輻射率不是固定的。相反地,通過適當地設計發射器的周圍電磁環境,我們是可以將自發發射率提高好幾個數量級。
Lasers, since their creation, have been heavily employed in long distance optical communications for the generation of optical signals. Such a preference over the other basic light source, the light emitting diodes (LEDs), stems from lasers’ utilization of stimulated emission (STE), providing them with comparatively high output power, narrow linewidths, and large bandwidth capacities. However, when it comes to short-scale communication networks, such as on-chip optical communications, these light emitting devices may not be a suitable candidate due to their adoption of large cavities as well as high power consumption, which are both needed to overcome the required threshold to successfully instigate STE and then reap the aforementioned benefits.
On the other hand, LEDs, are known not to be limited by size or by the threshold condition required in lasers given their reliance on spontaneous emission (SE) for lighting. Consequently, they do not take up too much space, nor do they consume huge amount of power to operate. Unfortunately, inadequacy in the modulation bandwidth of an LED has been a serious problem for the device’s usage in the modern communication world. Indeed, due to the inherently low SE rate and its output power-irrelevant nature, an LED can only be directly modulated at rate around 200MHz, which is way too slow as compared to a laser with a typical modulation speed of ~50 GHz. Luckily, the SE rate of a light emitter is not a fixed property; rather, by properly engineering the ambient electromagnetic environment of the emitter, its SE rate can be potentially enhanced by several orders of magnitude.
In this thesis, we numerically explore such a characteristic of the SE rate by employing optical slot antennas as a change in the optical environments. Specifically, we investigate the role that the geometric parameters of these optical structures play in modifying the SE rate of a coupled emitter in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region. Also in discussion are the influences of these parameters on the enhancement’s resonance position and the emitter’s quantum efficiency. Through our investigation, we find it achievable for a practically and properly designed optical slot antenna to offer an exemplified emitter up to ~1000 overall rate enhancement with adequate radiation efficiency in the NIR frequency range. This finding implies the possibility of creating a high speed, telecommunication wavelength LEDs, which can serve as an efficient light source for on-chip optical communication.
Table of Contents.....VI
List of Figures.....VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction.....1
1.1 Motivation.....1
1.2 Optical Slot Antenna for Modifying the Spontaneous Emission Rate.....3
1.3 Outline of This Thesis.....5
Chapter 2 Electric Dipole for Classical Description of Spontaneous Emission.....8
2.1 Introduction.....8
2.2 Electromagnetic Field Distribution of an Oscillating Dipole.....9
2.3 Energy Dissipation Rate of an Oscillating Dipole.....14
2.4 Energy Dissipation Rate Enhancement in Inhomogeneous Spaces.....16
Chapter 3 Spontaneous Emission.....19
3.1 Introduction.....19
3.2 Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Description of the Spontaneous Emission Rate.....20
3.3 The Purcell Effect.....26
3.4 Enhanced Modulation Bandwidth.....31
Chapter 4 Optical Antennas.....36
4.1 Introduction.....36
4.2 Conventional Antennas vs Optical Antennas.....37
4.3 Effect of Optical Antennas on Quantum Objects.....41
4.3.1 Increased Absorption Cross Section.....41
4.3.2 Local Density of States Engineering.....43
4.4 Resonance of Antennas.....44
4.4.1 Resonance Wavelength Scaling for Conventional Antennas.....45
4.4.2 Resonance Wavelength Scaling for Optical Antennas.....45
4.5 Optical Slot Antennas.....50
4.5.1 Radiation Pattern of Optical Slot Antennas.....54
4.5.2 Resonance of Optical Slot Antennas.....56
Chapter 5 Numerical Investigation of the Optical Properties of a Slot Antenna-Coupled Optical Emitter.....59
5.1 Introduction.....59
5.2 Energy Flow in an Antenna-Emitter Coupling System.....62
5.3 Optical Response of a Slot Antenna-Coupled Emitter to Different Slot Lengths and Widths.....67
5.4 Optical Response of a Slot Antenna-Coupled Emitter to Different Slot Thicknesses.....76
5.5 Practical Design of Optical Slot Antennas Coupled with an Exemplified Emitter at the Emission Wavelength of 1550 nm.....80
5.5.1 Effective Spontaneous Emission Rate Enhancement.....87
5.5.2 Overall Spontaneous Emission Rate Enhancement.....91
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work.....95

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