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作者(外文):Jian, Zhao-Ming
論文名稱(外文):Analyzing the capability of a taper fiber in improving the coupling efficiency to a photodetector
指導教授(外文):Lin, Fan-Yi
口試委員(外文):Lee, Ming-Chang
Feng, Kai-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Taper fiberRay tracingTraceProCoupling efficiencyReceiving angle
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在本研究中,我們根據基本幾何光學原理建構光纖光錐理論模型,並使用 TracePro 軟體繪製光纖光錐、透鏡、偵測器的3D模型。透過在TracePro中建立3D模型、設定材質、設定光源,我們對一光偵測器收光夠進行模擬光學追跡。綜合考慮光錐的大端、小端、長度、與偵測器之間的相對位置,對光纖光錐與偵測器之間的能量耦合特性,分析光纖光錐對收光架構能量耦合的能力。其中我們定義最大接收角度來作為比較及優化的基準,並與一般光學透鏡的性能進行比較,最後證實光錐在提升接收角度相較於透鏡是有優勢的。
In the thesis, a theoretical model of the taper fiber is constructed based on the geometric optics principle. We use the TracePro software to draw 3D models of taper fiber, lens, and detector. By setting the materials, light sources, we simulate optical traces in TracePro. Considering the large end, small end, taper length and relative position of the taper fiber, the energy coupling between the taper fiber and the detector is analyzed to determine the capability of the energy coupling of the receiving structure. By using the maximum receiving angle as a reference, we compare the performance of the taper fiber and optical lens. It is confirmed that the taper fiber is advantageous in improving the receiving angle. By testing the coupling efficiency in a simulated light-receiving architecture, we show that the maximum receiving angle can increase 3.78 times when using the taper fiber. Theoretically, without considering current manufacturing limit, we show that the receiving angle using a pure taper fiber is 6$^\circ$, 15 times larger than using the lens from the simulation.
In sum, we successfully confirmed that the taper fiber can help to improve the coupling capability of the detecter, which efficiently increasing the maximum receiving angle and the coupling efficiency, we also established the method for comparing the receiving performance of the coupling components.
摘要 i
abstract ii
1、緒論 P1
1.1 簡介 P1
1.2 動機 P2
2、理論與模擬方法 P3
2.1 幾何光學 P4
2.2 光纖光錐的理論方法 P7
2.3 臨界角與光纖光錐尺寸之關係 P11
2.4 光線追跡 P13
2.5 TracePro軟體介紹 P13
2.6 建立光學模擬架構 P14
2.6.1 建立模擬光源 P14
2.6.2 建立光學物件模型 P14
2.6.3 模擬實驗參數定義 P15
3、模擬成果分析 P17
3.1 光纖光錐尺寸與偵測器接收能量的關係 P18
3.1.1 不同光錐比例下不同長度光纖光錐對於偵測器接收能量之變化 P18
3.1.2 比較光纖光錐與透鏡能量利用率之差異 P22
3.2 光纖光錐尺寸與偵測器收光角度的關係 P24
3.2.1 不同光纖光錐長度與不同焦距透鏡之接收角度 P24
3.2.2 固定小端下不同光錐比例光纖光錐之接收角度 P26
3.3 收光模組搭配光纖光錐的收光角度與傳遞效率 P27
3.3.1 優化搭配光纖光錐之收光模組 P29
3.3.2 比較有無使用光纖光錐收光模組之性能 P35
3.4 純粹使用光纖光錐收光架構之光角度與傳遞效率 P36
4、結論與未來展望 P39
4.1 結論 P39
4.2 未來展望 P40
Reference P41
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