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作者(外文):Wang, Chuan-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Carrier-Envelope Phase Stabilized Ultrafast Fiber Laser
指導教授(外文):Chen, Ming-Chang
口試委員(外文):Shy, Jow-Tsong
Lee, Chien-Chung
Hsiang, Wei-Wei
外文關鍵詞:carrier-envelope phase stabilizationultrafast fiber laserf-to-2f heterodynefeedback control
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本論文建立了載波包絡相位穩定的飛秒光纖雷射,使用極化保持光纖的架構得到脈衝寬度110 fs,脈衝重複率47 MHz與脈衝能量為13.4 nJ的自啟動雷射後,利用光子晶體光纖產生超連續光譜,並以f-to-2f干涉儀量測載波包絡偏移頻率,再藉由比例積分微分控制(PID control)回授雷射泵浦電流以穩定載波包絡相位。穩定時所測得之相位噪音為2.3 rad[由3.3 kHz積分至1 MHz]。
We constructed a carrier-envelope-phase-stabilized fiber laser, with a repetition rate of 47 MHz, pulse duration of 110 fs and pulse energy of 13.4 nJ in an all polarization maintaining architecture. A photonic crystal fiber was used for supercontinuum generation, and a f-to-2f heterodyne setup was used for carrier-envelope-offset frequency detection. Then a feedback system based on proportional-integral-derivative control was used to stabilize the offset frequency through tuning the pump current of the oscillator. The phase noise of the stabilized f_CEO beat was reduced to below 2.3 rad [integrating from 3.3 kHz to 1 MHz].
第1章 研究動機...............................1
第2章 載波包絡相位與載波包絡偏移頻率........4
2.1 量測載波包絡偏移頻率...................4
2.2 控制載波包絡偏移頻率...................5
2.3 鎖模雷射的雜訊.........................6
第3章 光纖雷射系統與載波包絡偏移頻率量測....10
3.1 鎖模雷射.............................10
3.2 光纖雷射系統..........................12
3.3 超連續光譜............................18
3.4 f-2f干涉儀............................21
第4章 穩定載波包絡相位.....................30
4.1 回授系統..............................30
4.2 轉移函數..............................31
4.3 比例積分微分控制器.....................34
4.4 相位噪音..............................40
第5章 結論與未來展望.......................45
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