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作者(外文):Fu, Ching-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Real-Time Augmented Reality Navigation System using GPS and ARCore
指導教授(外文):Chu, Hung-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yu-Shuen
Yao, Chih-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:augmented realitynavigation systemvisual instructions
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隨著智慧型手機及高速行動數據網路建設的普及,不論是駕車長途旅遊或是短距離的 步行移動,現代人越來越倚賴各種導航 App 來指引路線,各款導航 App 功能也日新月 異,舉凡即時路況、道路限速、路口模擬圖等。
然而,於實際使用導航時我們發現使用者時常需花時間判讀導航資訊,舉例來說:使 用者時常容易於導航初始時發生方位錯亂的情形,以至於需嘗試先移動一段距離,直到導 航系統作出回應始能解讀導航的導引;且由於 GPS 訊號易受環境影響,更新頻率也有所 受限,導航系統通常並不能馬上對於使用者的移動做出反饋,導致往往都會花上一段時間 才能找出正確的路徑。
有鑑於此,本研究提出一款適用於智慧型手機之擴增實境導航系統,相較於以往 導航 App 受限於 GPS 訊號更新頻率較低、訊號不穩定以及傳統導航 App 所提供之街 道鳥瞰式圖資不易判讀等限制,本研究所提出的導航系統,係結合 GPS 衛星訊號與 Google ARCore SDK 擴增實境開發平台之運動追蹤技術來推算出使用者的移動,因具備 Augmented Reality 的特性,使得使用者得以於導航軟體上直接得到結合現地景物的導引, 以期大幅減少使用者對於方位錯亂及導航指引判讀的時間。
Thanks to the ubiquity of smart phones and mobile internet, people nowadays can access to various navigation applications for transportations, no matter long distance driv- ing or walking. Therefore, navigation Apps started to provide multiple functions, such as live traffic information, speed camera warnings and synthetic 3D street view.
However, we realized that users have to spend a minimum amount of time to read and digest the navigation information when using the Apps. For instance, users will easily get confused with the directions once they opened the App, so that they have to firstly walk for a while and wait for the system to respond in order to start the navigation. Moreover, since the GPS and internet connection highly depend on the actual environments, users may not be able to get real-time updates of maps and fully enjoy the experience.
Therefore, this research aims to develop a new kind of navigation system with Aug- mented Reality feature. Compared to traditional navigation system, this new system com- bines GPS and Google ARCore SDK platform to advance the stability and user experience. The motion tracking technology built in Google ARCore SDK allows our system to mon- itor users’movements, with conjunction of AR technology, users could get the real views (compared to traditional top-view maps) wherever they are. With our system, we hope to provide an exceptional navigation experience with more efficiency and accuracy.
中文􏰂要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 圖目錄 v
1 􏰄論 1
2 相關研究 3
3 系統概觀 6
4 導航資訊取得階段 8
4.1 路線規劃 ........................................ 8
4.1.1 目的地地理編碼................................. 8
4.1.2 路線規劃 .................................... 8
4.1.3 Polyline解碼.................................. 9
4.1.4 GPS座標轉換 ................................. 9
4.2 建構虛擬箭頭指引 ................................... 11
4.2.1 找出轉彎位置.................................. 11
4.2.2 計算路徑長度.................................. 11
4.2.3 繪製虛擬箭頭指引 ............................... 12
5 導航指引更新階段 13
5.1 持續移動追蹤...................................... 13
5.1.1 視角動態追蹤.................................. 13
5.1.2 GPS位置追蹤 ................................. 14
5.1.3 ARCore動態追蹤 ............................... 14
5.1.4 混合位移演算方法 ............................... 14
5.2 更新導航提示...................................... 15
5.2.1 更新虛擬箭頭.................................. 15
5.2.2 更新導航指示.................................. 16
5.2.3 路口震動提示.................................. 16
5.2.4 視角導引提示.................................. 17
5.3 校正系統誤差...................................... 17
5.3.1 偵測ARCore工作階段狀態.......................... 17
5.3.2 重設ARCore工作階段狀態.......................... 18
6 系統驗證 20
6.1 實驗目的與實驗假設 .................................. 21
6.2 量化數據統計...................................... 21
6.2.1 問卷內容 .................................... 21
6.2.2 AR導引解讀正確率 .............................. 21
7 實驗結果與比較 22
7.1實驗數據結果...................................... 22
7.1.1 AR導引解讀正確率統計............................ 22
7.1.2 問卷統計 .................................... 23
7.1.3 受測者意見................................... 24
7.2 實驗結果討論...................................... 25
7.3 更多成果 ........................................ 26
8 結論
8.1 系統限制 ........................................ 29
8.2 未來工作 ........................................ 31
8.3 結論........................................... 31
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