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作者(外文):Chang, Yan-Ping
論文名稱(外文):An Accelerometer-Based Wearable Device for Real Time Stride Count and Step Height Measurement
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chun-Yao
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
Lee, Si-Huei
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許多下肢運動受限患者的復健運動是具有反覆性的,為降低醫療體制中專業人員的工作量,使其資源能夠更有效的為更多患者服務,現今的自動化復健評估系統仍有許多進步空間。對於不同病症,有益於下肢運動受限患者的復健運動也有許多種,其中爬階運動 (stair gait exercise)對於許多下肢運動受限的患者而言是很有效益,可行度也很高的復健運動。因此,本研究提出一套穿戴式系統Smart-Sock,結合九軸感測器以及襪子,除了能夠更精準收集使用者的運動資訊並加以分析外,更解決過往以鞋子結合感測器的研究中,需要準備各種尺寸鞋子的問題。藉由此穿戴式系統,本研究進而探討如何收集使用者在爬階運動的加速度資料,且如何處理從感測器接收到的資料,以及定義爬階運動中每步的步伐階段(stair gait phase),最後計算步數以及垂直運動的位移量。實驗結果在不同的爬階運動中,步數的誤差皆小於2.00%,而步高的計算誤差則皆小於8.23%。
Stair gait exercise is a fundamental exercise of self-rehabilitation for patients or elders. Medical studies have been proven that this activity can enhance the strength of lower limb muscle. However, there are only few systems that can monitor the stair gait exercise and measure the maximum step height in the laboratory.

To analyze the gait phase of stair climbing with the raw data of accelerometer in a wearable device, we propose an IMU-based system equipped on shoes. Furthermore, a novel method of measuring stride count and step height is also proposed. The stride count can be measured in various stair gait exercises, including step-by-step and step-over-step single stage stair climbing, and walking.

The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed system is reliable under many different conditions. The averages of absolute mean errors of stride count in stair-climbing activities and walking activities are about 2.00% and 0.88%, respectively. The averages of absolute mean errors of step height are about 5.12% and 8.23% in step-by-step and step-over-step stair climbing, respectively.
List of Tables-----vi
List of Figures----vii
1 Introduction-----1
2 Method-----------5
2.1 IMU-based system (Smart-Sock)--------------------------------5
2.2 Subjects and procedures--------------------------------------6
2.3 Raw data processing: simple moving average (SMA)-------------6
2.4 Parameter calculation for stair gait phase identification----7
2.5 Segmentation of a stair cycle and calculation for step height-9
3 Results----------14
3.1 Single-step stair-climbing in step-by-step------------------15
3.2 Single-step stair-climbing in step-over-step----------------15
3.3 Walking in a straight line----------------------------------15
4 Conclusion-------17
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