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作者(外文):Lin, Syuan-Yi
論文名稱(外文):User-Centered Context-Aware CPU/GPU Power Management for Interactive Applications on Smartphones
指導教授(外文):King, Chung-Ta
口試委員(外文):Tsao, Shiao-Li
Chang, Yung-Ju
外文關鍵詞:SmartphoneUser-centeredContext-awarePower saving
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  • 評分評分:*****
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智慧型手機的功能越來越多元,便利的功能使耗電量增加,電源管理成為智慧型手機的重要議題。許多研究嘗試在使用者體驗與能源 節省間取得平衡。使用者體驗為使用者對於服務的主觀感受,受到服務 品質、使用者個人期待、使用者所在情境的影響。近年相關的研究多專 注於服務品質與使用者體驗的關聯,但未探討使用者情境對於使用者 體驗的影響,為此我們招募了八位受測者進行為期兩週的實驗,實驗結 果顯示使用者在不同的情境下,對於系統效能的要求有極大的差異。
在這篇論文中,我們提出了一個以使用者為中心的情境感知 CPU- GPU DVFS機制,並根據使用者當下情境決定如何調整系統資源。我們 也設計了一些評估實驗來做驗證。實驗結果顯示,與 Android 手機的 預設 DVFS 機制相比,我們所提倡的 DVFS 機制最多可節省 25%的能源消 耗。
With the increasing functionalities in smartphones, smartphones become an important part of our daily lives. Users can communicate, navigate, and check the updates of social media with smartphones anywhere at any time. However, due to the limit battery capacity, the power management has become a critical issue to the battery-driven smartphones.
A number of existing works strike to balance the user’s quality of experience(QoE) and the energy saving. However, most of them are unaware of the impact of the user’s context to the user’s QoE, which cause the over- or under-provisioning hardware. To observe the correlation between the user’s contexts and the user’s QoE, we conducted an experiment with 8 subjects for two weeks. The results reveal that the demand for users’ QoE varies in different contexts, which inspire us to scale the system performance based on context information to optimize energy saving. In this thesis, we propose a governor which optimize the energy saving while maintaining the user’s QoE simultaneously in the different contexts. The evaluation shows the proposed governor can save power consumption up to 25% compared to the default governor while keeping the users felt satisfied with the quality of service.
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
2.1 User-centric power management 5
2.2 User context 6
3 System Architecture 7
3.1 Overview 7
3.2 Stage detection 8
3.2.1 Response stage 8
3.2.2 Waiting stage .9
3.3 Context-aware CPU-GPUcontrollingservice 14
3.3.1 Usercontextcollection 14
3.3.2 Usercontextclassification 16
3.3.3 The correlation between the user context and the user QoE 18
3.3.4 Context-basedFDRcontrollingservice 21
4 Evaluation 23
4.1 Experiment setup 23
4.2 Power consumption compared with the different governor in different
contexts 24
4.3 User satisfaction with the compared governors in the different context 25
4.4 User-centered context-aware CPU-GPU governor overhead 28
5 Discussion 30
5.1 User study 30
5.2 Limitation 32
6 Conclusion 34
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