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作者(外文):Cheng, Shang-Chien
論文名稱(中文):發展以WordNet 為本的詞彙語意資料集
論文名稱(外文):Developing a Word Sense Dataset Based on WordNet Hierarchy
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jason S.
口試委員(外文):Ker, Sue J.
Hsu, Yung-jen
外文關鍵詞:Word Sense DisambiguationWSDWordNetParallel Corpus
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  • 點閱點閱:406
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文提出了一個方法,利用 WordNet 和平行語料進行英語的詞義辨識,為 WordNet 提供詞義相關的翻譯及雙語例句,能夠以學習者的母語(如:中文)來輔助英語學習,研究的結果也能應用在其他詞義辨識問題中。多義詞的不同詞義在其他語言通常會被翻譯成不同的詞,我們提出的方法主要是利用此特性來決定詞義。我們的方法涉及了擷取平行語料中英文詞相互對應的翻譯,並訓練一個分類器透過不同翻譯以區分詞義,最後為不同的詞義挑選出具有代表性的例句。我們將擷取出的詞彙語意資料發展成一個搜尋系統,LanguageNet,提供查詢多義詞不同詞義的雙語同義詞及使用實例。實驗的評估結果顯示我們提出的方法在擷取詞義相關的翻譯及雙語例句有著不錯的準確性。
We introduce a method for disambiguating word sense based on WordNet from a parallel corpus that can be used to provide accurate sense relevant translations and bilingual examples to support word sense disambiguation, as well as assist learning English with learner's native language (e.g., Chinese). In our approach, different translations of a word determine the specificity of the senses. The method involves extracting word translations, training a classifier to distinguish words into groups of senses based on translations, and selecting sense relevant example sentences. We present a prototype system, LanguageNet that applies the proposed method to display bilingual synonyms and sense relevant examples of senses of the given word. The evaluation on a set of polymous words shows that the method has good performance finding sense relevant translations and bilingual examples.
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii

Chapter 1 Introduction ........................ 1
Chapter 2 Related Work ........................ 5
Chapter 3 Methodology ........................ 8
3.1 ProblemStatement........................... 8
3.2 Aligning and Extracting Word Translations........................... 10
3.3 Performing Classification for WSD Based on Translations.............. 11
3.3.1 Sense Categories........................... 11
3.3.2 Training a Model for Extracting WSD Features ........................... 12
3.3.3 Classifying Chinese Translation to WordNet Senses................... 14
3.4 Selecting Sense Relevant Example Sentences.......................... 15
3.5 Run-Time: Providing Sense Relevant Example Sentences............ 17

Chapter 4 Experiment and Evaluation........................ 19
4.1 DataSets and Tools .......................... 19
4.2 Experimental Setting.......................... 21
4.3 Evaluation and Discussion ....................... 23
4.3.1 EvaluationMetrics ....................... 23
4.3.2 EvaluationResults ....................... 24

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work........................ 28

Reference .............................. 30
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