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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Hsin
論文名稱(外文):Leveraging Linguistic Characteristics for Bipolar Disorder Recognition with Gender Differences
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yi-Shin
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chaur-Chin
Hon, Wing-Kai
Peng, Wen-Hsiao
Cheng, Wen-Huang
外文關鍵詞:Bipolar DisorderNatural Language ProcessingSocial MediaSelf-disclosureGender
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Social media platforms have become popular places for online self-disclosure. Many studies that analyze a digital diagnosis of bipolar disorder focus on combining social media and linguistic features to train a patient recognizing model. In contrast, this current study primarily emphasizes linguistic features, considering that this may be more applicable in the real-world, whereas social media features may not be easily acquired. Gender is also considered to be an important characteristic for mental disorders; however, a limited number of studies about bipolar disorder have analyzed the interactions between language usage and gender. We present an approach that is based on pure linguistic syntactic patterns to perform bipolar disorder recognition from self-reported social media profiles.
1 Introduction ----------------------------------------- 1
2 Related Work --------------------------------------- 4
2.1 Social Media and Mental Disorders ---------------- 4
2.2 Gender Gaps in Mental Health -------------------- 7
3 Methodology --------------------------------------- 9
3.1 Overview ----------------------------------------- 9
3.2 Data Collection ----------------------------------- 10
3.3 Linguistic Pattern Construction ------------------- 14
3.3.1 Graph Construction ----------------------------- 14
3.3.2 Pattern Construction ---------------------------- 16
3.3.3 Pattern Weighting ------------------------------- 19
4 Experiment & Results ------------------------------- 22
4.1 Experimental Setup ------------------------------- 22
4.2 Linguistic Patterns Analysis ----------------------- 24
4.3 Emotion Analysis --------------------------------- 26
4.4 Recognition Performance ------------------------- 28
4.4.1 Gender-separated Case ------------------------- 29
4.4.2 Gender-mixed Case ----------------------------- 32
4.4.3 Language Representation Comparison ---------- 33
4.4.4 Psychiatrist Evaluation -------------------------- 35
4.5 Analysis for Low Performance for Male ------------ 36
5 Conclusion and Future Works ----------------------- 38
Reference -------------------------------------------- 40
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