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作者(外文):Robles Coulter, Luis M.
論文名稱(外文):Enriching Pattern-based Emotion Representations through Acoustic-level Weighting Matrices
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yi-Shin
口試委員(外文):Peng, Wen-Chih
Chen, Chaur-Chin
外文關鍵詞:emotion recognitionmultimodal recognitionCNN
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:526
  • 評分評分:*****
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在本論文中,我們提出一個創新的方法,藉由融合聲階特徵和從圖像方法擷取出的文字模型來識別語句中的情緒。將音訊以文字為基準切割後,運用聲音訊息擷取工具- Librosa來取得聲階特徵。這些聲階特徵會和從情緒語意分類器取出的文字模型結合。而這些特徵的組合被用來訓練一個簡易的向量模型並以CNN做情緒的分類。我們利用USC-IEMOCAP提供的文本來識別四種情緒:生氣、開心、難過以及中立來展示我們方法的成效。實驗結果顯示,結合聲階特徵和情緒模型來進行情緒辨識可以得到85%的正確率,比起基準值,在精確率提高了11%而召回率也提高了6%。在相同的資料中,實驗結果表現得比之前的研究還要好。
In this thesis, we propose an innovative approach for sentence-level emotion recognition by using combinations of acoustic features with textual patterns extracted from transcripts using a graph-based pattern extraction model. The acoustic features are extracted from word-level segments using Librosa, a tool for acoustic information retrieval. These acoustic features are fused with textual patterns extracted from emotion-rich syntactic patterns. The combined feature set is used to train a simple naive vector model and a convolutional neural network (CNN) for emotion classification. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by performing a four-way (anger, happiness, sadness, neutral) emotion recognition on the University of Southern California's Interactive Emotional Motion Capture (USC-IEMOCAP) corpus. Our experiments show that the fusion of acoustic features and emotional patterns delivers an emotion recognition accuracy of 85\% and an improvement in precision of 11% from our baseline (73%). In terms of recall, there was a 7% improvement from our baseline (67%), outperforming the previous best result on this dataset.
1 Introduction.......................................1
2 Related Work.......................................4
2.1 Overview of Emotional Representations............4
2.2 Speech-based Classification......................6
2.3 Acoustic Features................................6
3 Methodology........................................7
3.1 Emotion Pattern Scoring..........................8
3.2 Acoustic-based Weighting.........................9
3.3 Models...........................................11
3.3.1 Acoustic Channels Convolutional Neural Network.11
3.3.2 Model Variations...............................12
4 Experiments........................................13
4.1 Experimental Setup...............................13
4.2 Experimental Results.............................14
4.2.1 Analysis on Acoustic Influence.................16
4.2.2 What have the Acoustic weights learned?........16
5 Conclusions and Future Works.......................19
6 References.........................................21
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