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作者(外文):Lin, You-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Image Denoising by Multi-wavelet with Finite Element
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Hao
口試委員(外文):Chi, Chong-Yung
Hong, Yao-Win
外文關鍵詞:WaveletMulti-waveletFinite elementDenosing
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  • 點閱點閱:650
  • 評分評分:*****
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Denoising is an important part of image process for a long time. When we are capturing or transmitting the images, they are often effected by different kinds of noise. For examples, the dirty camera lens will increase the noise of images, the blurring images caused by moving quickly, and so on. There are many cases that will make the images not clear (also called noise). If we do some further analysis on the noising images, it still hard to get the accurate conclusion. Consequently, image denoising will be an essential and important method on image process. There are some famous methods on image denoising now, such as linear or non-linear noise filter, Fourier transform (from frequency-domain to frequency-domain), wavelet transform, etc.
Multi-wavelet transform has been emphasized by researchers these years because multi-wavelet transfers the data from time-domain to time-domain. After multi-wavelet transform, we can obtain lots of information from time-domain which can not obtain by Fourier transform. Furthermore, multi-wavelet transform contains the property of compression, which is helpful for the era of big data. Compared to wavelet transform, multi-wavelet transform can contain lots properties at once, such as orthogonality, symmetric, anti-symmetric, short support, large vanishing moment, and so on. Properties varies from different multi-wavelet. Using those properties, we remove the noise on images successfully.
Geronimo-Hardin-Masopust(GHM) with multiplicity 2 has been used to relax the effect of noise for most researches recently. However, our main contribution is that introducing other multi-wavelet which is more general to denoise, called multi-wavelet with finite element. Using multi-wavelet with finite element can decrease the computation time effectively. In addition, we can remove noise more precisely when

noise is large. More importantly, multi-wavelet with finite element will not be controlled by multiplicity. We can choose proper multiplicity by our requirement to obtain well performance of denoising. Finally, we present some experiments using four kinds of different data, which can be divided into three parts. The first part is repeated data with different multiplicity. Second, passing through the repeat data by filter which is designed in advance. Third, by re-sorting and re-arranging, we can get the denoising image which is also after compressing.
1. 緒論------------------------------------1
1.1 動機與目的-------------------------------1
1.2 論文架構---------------------------------2
2. 相關研究探討-----------------------------3
3. 小波分析---------------------------------5
3.1 定義------------------------------------5
3.2 尺度函數---------------------------------5
3.3 小波函數---------------------------------5
3.4 連續小波函數-----------------------------6
3.5 離散小波函數-----------------------------8
3.6 與傅立葉轉換比較-------------------------10
4. 多小波分析-------------------------------11
4.1 定義------------------------------------11
4.2 多尺度函數-------------------------------13
4.3 多小波函數-------------------------------13
4.4 多濾波器---------------------------------14
4.5 多解析度分析-----------------------------15
4.6 離散多小波轉換---------------------------16
4.7 常見的多小波-----------------------------18
5. 有限元素之多小波-------------------------23
5.1 定義------------------------------------23
5.2 多尺度函數-------------------------------24
5.3 多小波函數-------------------------------25
5.4 低通多濾波器-----------------------------26
5.5 高通多濾波器-----------------------------28
5.6 級數為2的有限元素之多小波-----------------30
5.7 級數為3的有限元素之多小波-----------------35
5.8 級數為n的有限元素之多小波-----------------39
6. 問題定義與消除影像雜訊原理----------------43
6.1 系統架構---------------------------------43
6.2 消除影像雜訊原理-------------------------43
6.3 濾波後影像-------------------------------44
7. 實驗與結果-------------------------------47
7.1 原始影像介紹-----------------------------47
7.2 預處理係數設置---------------------------50
7.3 級數為2的多小波濾波結果比較----------------56
7.4 級數為3的多小波濾波結果比較----------------71
8. 結論-------------------------------------77
9. 未來目標---------------------------------77
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