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作者(中文):姜 毅
作者(外文):Chiang, Yi
論文名稱(中文):一個增進具有Body-strapped Base 的雙極光電晶體反應速度之方法
論文名稱(外文):A Method of Improving the Response Speed of Bipolar Phototransistors with Body-strapped Base
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Klaus Yung-Jane
口試委員(外文):Jiang, Yeu-Long
Lai, Yu-Sheng
外文關鍵詞:photo transistorheterjunctionBJTResponse Speed
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  • 點閱點閱:564
  • 評分評分:*****
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本文的光偵測器是利用TSMC 0.18um SiGe BiCMOS製程來實現,對異質接面雙載子光電晶體(Heterojunction Phototransistor,HPT)的改進,且使用之前實驗室提出的N-type Body Strapping理論,並藉由外加一些電路或是元件的方式改善性能,特別是針對元件的反應速度上做改善。先利用Silvaco的atlas軟體模擬來設計,並藉由下線實作晶片與量測來得到模擬數據的驗證。
Due to the rapid development of technology, the demand of photodetectors has increased dramatically, and people keep pursuing devices with better performance. The purpose of this thesis is to design high-speed heterojunction phototransistors with outstanding responsivity under standard manufacturing process provided by TSMC.
In this thesis, 0.18um SiGe BiCMOS standard process provided by TSMC is applied.
In the first part of this thesis, we will discuss the properties of heterojunction phototransistors (HPT) with n-type doping body strapping which was proposed in our laboratory, from both TCAD simulation and actual measurement.
The second part of the thesis is the design of some approaches in order to enhance the performance of the HPT device mentioned in part one. This work mainly focuses on improving response speed. And at the end of the thesis, we verified the feasibility of the novel device through the tape-out and actual measurement.
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景與發展現況 1
1.2研究動機 3
1.3論文章節架構 4
第二章 光偵測器原理及特性簡介 5
2.1光吸收原理 5
2.2光二極體原理 6
2.3雙極光電晶體原理 8
2.4 矽鍺異質接面材料特性 9
2.5 光偵測器的特性簡介 10
2.6 Body-strapped base原理(BS) 16
第三章 光電晶體模擬及介紹 17
3.1結構介紹 17
3.1.1 HPTNBS (HPT with body-strapping and N-type body contact) 17
3.1.2 HPTNBS外加結構之討論 20 HPTNBS 外加電阻 22 HPTNBS 外加電晶體 23 HPTNBS with clock 數位取樣式 24
3.1.3 HPTNBS元件大小的調整 25
3.2模擬結果 26
3.2.1 HPTNBS (HPT with body-strapping and N-type body contact) 的模擬 26 HPTNBS電流流向-短波長(400nm) 26 HPTNBS電流流向-長波長(850nm) 27 HPTNBS電流比較 29
3.2.2 HPTNBS 外加電晶體的模擬 30
3.2.3 HPTNBS 數位取樣式模擬 35
3.2.4 HPNTBS 元件大小之影響 37
3.3元件佈局設計 39
第四章 量測與討論 45
4.1量測儀器簡介 45
4.2量測方式 46
4.3量測結果 48
4.3.1雷射二極體光點量測與計算 48
4.3.2元件操作區間量測 49
4.3.2元件量測結果 50 Testkey 1之量測 50 Testkey 3之量測 51 Testkey 2之量測 59 Testkey 4之量測 60
第五章 結論與改進 64
5.1 結論 64
5.2 改進方案 64

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