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作者(外文):Lin, Qian-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The stability of interlayer materials and organic light-emitting diodes
指導教授(外文):Horng, Sheng-Fu
口試委員(外文):Meng, Hsin-Fei
Chao, Yu-Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Blue fluorescent organic light-emitting diodeInterlayer materialSide chainSolution process blade coating
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  以熱蒸鍍製備介面層材料Cesium Fluoride(CsF),在厚度控制上較為困難,CsF易解離並與金屬鋁產生化學反應,因此使用溶液製程刮刀塗佈的方式取代熱蒸鍍系統製備陰極介面層,測試的介面層材料包括4,40-((oxybis-(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(dimethyl-ammoniumdiyl))bis(butane-1-sulfonate) (OEABS)、zirconium dioxide (ZrOx)、cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3)、thiol-functionalized cationic surfactant(11-mercaptoundecyl)trimethylammonium bromide (MUTAB)、dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB),調變各種材料於介面層的厚度,並量測其元件表現之特性;以亮度為200 cd/A開始觀察燒點,Cs2CO3作為介面層之元件在持續點亮264小時後出現,而CsF出現燒點的時間為168小時,和CsF之穩定性相比已提升許多。
The organic light-emitting diodes were prepared by solution process in this thesis. We compare the stability of the blue-fluorescent single-layer structure and the cathode interlayer material and analyze them. In the blue-fluorescent material, we select the material, 2-tert-Butyl-9, 10-di(naphth-2-yl)anthracene (TBADN), which has side-chain structure to replace 2-Methyl-9, 10-bis(naphthalen-2-yl)anthracene (MADN). The side-chain structure can increase the solubility of the material and improve the crystallization phenomenon of film surface. Also, it can improve the uniformity of thin film and the characteristic of our device.
The interlayer material, Cesium Fluoride (CsF) by evaporation has difficulty in thickness control. We can easily break down its bond, and it will react with Aluminum. Thus, the device was prepared by blade coating in solution process instead of thermal evaporation in the part of the cathode interlayer. The interlayer material we choose are 4,40-((oxybis-(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(dimethyl-ammoniumdiyl))bis(butane-1-sulfonate) (OEABS),thiol-functionalized cationic surfactant (11-mercaptoundecyl) trimethylammonium bromide (MUTAB), zirconium dioxide (ZrOx), Cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3) and Dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB).We change the thickness of various materials in the interlayer and measure the characteristics of the device. When the luminance reaches 200 cd/A, we start to observe the burning spot. The burning spot appears after 264 hours of continuous lighting when we use Cs2CO3 as the interlayer. When the interlayer material is CsF, the burning spot appears after 168 hours of continuous lighting. Compared to CsF, the stability of Cs2CO3 improves a lot.
摘 要...i
1.1 前言...1
1.2 有機發光二極體發展簡介...1
1.3 研究目的及方向...2
1.4 論文架構...2
2.1 有機發光二極體理論介紹...3
2.2 有機發光二極體元件結構...3
2.3 螢光與磷光發光機制...4
2.4 主客發光能量轉移...6
2.4.1 輻射能量轉移...7
2.4.2 非輻射能量轉移...7
3.1 有機發光二極體製程簡介...9
3.1.1 陽極氧化銦錫基板蝕刻...9
3.1.2 元件製作...12
3.1.3 元件封裝與電性量測...16
3.2 有機材料介紹...17
3.2.1 電洞注入材料...18
3.2.2 電洞傳輸材料...18
3.2.4 電子傳輸材料...21
3.2.5 電子注入材料...22
4.1.1 主發光體材料TBADN與MADN之比較...24
4.1.2 TBADN搭配電子傳輸材料SPPO13...29
4.1.3 不同溫度下熱退火條件測試...33
4.2 刮刀塗佈製程製備電子注入層...37
4.2.1 熱蒸鍍製程製備不同厚度之電子注入層...37
4.2.2 電子注入材料ZrOx...42
4.2.3 電子注入材料Cs2CO3...48
4.2.4 電子注入材料MUTAB和DTAB...54
4.2.5 電子注入材料OEABS...61
4.2.6 各介面材料之穩定性比較...68
5.1 結論...72
5.2 未來展望...72
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