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作者(外文):Lai, Bo-Kang
論文名稱(中文):氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵射頻功率金氧半 高電子遷移率電晶體之元件製作與設計
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of RF Power AlGaN/GaN Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
指導教授(外文):Wu, Meng-Chyi
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:584
  • 評分評分:*****
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在比較本研究的所有元件後,當元件製作於半絕緣碳化矽基板上搭配二氧化鉿/氮化矽的雙層結構具有最佳的特性,在閘極線寬為2微米,閘極總長300微米的元件之汲極飽和電流密度為900mA/mm,最大轉導值為140 mS/mm。在小訊號表現上,截止頻率和最大震盪頻率分別為7.5和13.5 GHz。而在大訊號表現上,當汲極偏壓在30伏時,功率密度為2.8 W/mm,功率轉換效率為34.75%,線性增益為16.81 dB。
另外,在本研究中,我們亦製作了多指結構氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵金氧半高電子遷移率電晶體。在偏壓30伏時,閘極總長為0.9厘米的元件具有1.59 W的總輸出功率。其功率密度為1.77 W/mm遠低於閘極總長300微米元件的2.8 W/mm,因為元件在高操作偏壓下產生的自熱效應造成輸出功率大為下降。
This thesis focuses on studying a high-k material applied to AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility-transistors (HEMTs) as gate insulator and the passivation layer for high frequency and RF power applications. Semi-insulating silicon carbide and high-resistivity silicon substrates were used in this study and these two type epitaxy structures were used to fabricate AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs by Al2O3/SiNx and HfO2/SiNx dual layer passivation.
Compared with all types RF-MISHEMTs in this study. Excellent improvements are achieved for 2×300 μm2 AlGaN/GaN MISHEMT on semi-insulating SiC substrate with HfO2/SiNx dual layer passivation has a drain saturation current density (JDS,max) of 900 mA/mm and maximum transconductance (Gm,max) of 140 mS/mm. The fT and fMAX were 7.5 and 13.5 GHz, respectively. When biased at 30 V, the device has output power density of 2.8 W/mm with power added efficiency of 34.75%, and the linear gain was 16.81 dB.
In addition, multi-finger AlGaN/GaN MISHEMT was fabricated. The output power of 0.9 mm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs were 1.59 W when biased at 30 V. The power densities of the multi-finger devices were lower than 2.8 W/mm of 300 μm AlGaN/GaN MISHEMT. This implied that self-heating significantly degrades the power performance.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background of Gallium nitride (GaN) 1
1-2 Microwave Application 2
1-3 Basic concepts of AlGaN/GaN heterojunction structure 4
1-3-1 Spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization effects 4
1-3-2 Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) mechanism 6
1-4 Research motivation 7
1-5 Thesis organization 8
Chapter 2 Fundamental Principles of High Frequency Measurement 9
2-1 Small-signal performance 9
2-1-1 Scattering parameters (S-parameters) 9
2-1-2 Figures of merit for small-signal performance 10
2-1-3 50 GHz S-parameter measurement system setup 12
2-2 Large-signal performance 13
2-2-1 Figures of merit for large-signal performance 13
2-2-2 High frequency power parameter measurement system setup 14
Chapter 3 Design and Fabrication of AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs 15
3-1 Design of Experiment 15
3-2 Device layout design 16
3-3 Process flow of RF-MISHEMT 18
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 25
4-1 AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs with Al2O3 as Gate Dielectric 26
4-1-1 DC Characteristics 26
4-1-2 Small-signal performance 30
4-1-3 Large-signal performance 31
4-2 AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs with HfO2 as Gate Dielectric 33
4-2-1 DC Characteristics 33
4-2-2 Small-signal performance 37
4-2-3 Large-signal performance 38
4-3 High output power AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs 40
4-3-1 DC Characteristics 40
4-3-2 Small-signal performance 44
4-3-3 Large-signal performance 45
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future work 48
5-1 Conclusions 48
5-2 Future work 50
References 51

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