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作者(外文):Wang, Po-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Fabrication of Silicon Planar Micro Filament and Array with Low Operating Voltages
指導教授(外文):Wu, Meng-Chyi
外文關鍵詞:blackbody radiationsilicon filamentinfrared spectoscopylifetimethermopile sensor
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然而在去年實驗室學長的論文中顯指出,矽燈絲擁有著比鎢絲燈(金屬燈絲)來的長的操作壽命,因為SOI燈源的發光層是單晶的silicon比用RF sputter濺鍍的靶材金屬發光層更為緻密與可靠,因此其壽命是金屬燈絲(鎢)的30倍以上但矽燈絲在一大氣壓下的點亮電壓還是過高,希望可以藉由一連串的優化來降低其電壓值。
為了製作近紅外光發光光源,本研究方向採用在SOI基板上,經由後續半導體製程,包含利用Reactive-Ion Etching(RIE)蝕刻來定義我們元件的發光區、thermal coater來蒸鍍電極、Plasma Enhance Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) 沉積包覆的絕緣層、氣體XeF2進行等向性掏空蝕刻矽基板來達到將鎢懸浮於基板,藉以絕熱來發光,來製作平面式微型化紅外光光源。
Recently, the infrared red spectrum (NIR wavelength 700nm~2500nnm) has been widely using for normal life. Such as the poison gas detection can avoid the dander of the factory, material tests can help us to distinguish the unknown, the plastic detection can enhance the efficiency of the recycling, the non-invasive blood sugar tests etc…The spectrum of the infrared red is just like the fingerprints of compounds. Each of chemical bond has unique absorb wavelength band. In addition, our experiment shows that the emptied filament’s resistance is related to the environment pressure. It reveals that our filament can also be a gauge to detect the pressure value. Compared to LED lighting, incandescent does not rely on the complexed epitaxy technology, so it can save a lot of expense of production. The light emitting wavelength of incandescent is wider than LED lighting.
In last year research tells the silicon filament has longer operating times than meatal filament. It is because that the SOI wafer’s silicon is single crystal grow. This make silicon is more stable and dense than using RF sputter to sputtering the metal. It has 30 times operating time than meatal filament but the operating voltage is too high. To reduce the voltage, I will do lots of optimization and researching.
To make the IR filament, we will do a series of semiconductor production processes on Silicon On Insulator (SOI) wafer. Including using Reactive-Ion Etching(RIE) to define filament area, using thermal coater to define metal pad (cr/al/cr) area, using Plasma Enhance Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) to grow SiO2 to be passivation layer, using Reactive-Ion Etching(RIE) to make emptied gas channel, and using XeF2 to do the isotropic etching and form the suspension structure.
My target is to reduce the operating voltage, enhance the stability and lifetime of the filament. Also make lager array of infrared red filament and give it a chance to commercialize production.
摘要 II
Abstract IV
致謝 VI
Content VIII
List of Figure IX
List of Table XII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1Near-infrared Light Spectrum Introduction 1
1-2Application 3
1-3 Motivation 6
Chapter2 Theoretical Basic 8
2-1 Black Body Radiation Law 8
2-2 The IV curve of filament 15
2-2 Fundamental principle of the design of experiment 16
2-3 The experimental design and flow 20
Chapter 3 Micro-Filament Experimental Procedure 21
3-1 Mask designing and device structure 21
3-2 Experiment process flow 26
3-2-1 Silicon Filament 26
3-2-2 2D larger Array Structure 30
3-3 Filament measurement system 31
Chapter 4 Experiment Result and Discussion 34
4-1 Find the key of decreasing operating voltage of filament 35
4-1-1 XeF2 suspension process 35
4-1-2 The scale down design 38
4-1-3 The highly doping wafer 40
4-2 Silicon infrared emitter with low Vop 43
4-2-1 I-V characteristic analysis and infrared spetrum 43
4-2-2 Lifetime of the silicon filament 47
4-2-3 Improve the Lifetime of the silicon micro-filament 51
4-3 Two dimensional of micro-Filament Array 53
4-4 The light power of the silicon micro-filament and array 55
4-5 The vacuum gauge 56
Chapter 5 Conclusion 57
Chapter 6 Reference . 59

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