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作者(外文):Liu, Zai-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Using Dynamic Measurement to Improve Coupling at the Class Level by Considering Multiple Object-Oriented Features
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chin-Yu
外文關鍵詞:CouplingDynamic MetricSoftware engineeringSoftware MeasurementWeighted Metric
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As developers pay more and more attention to software quality, there are amounts of software metrics proposed to evaluate the software system. In these metrics, they use various properties to measure the system, such as software complexity, cohesion and coupling. Nevertheless, research has indicated that coupling is one of most significant and fundamental factors for evaluating the quality of software, and numerous research utilizing coupling to measure software systems have been proposed. Some features of object-oriented programming (OOP) (i.e., structural design, dynamic binding, polymorphism, inheritance and interface) are important concepts to develop the software system, and merely utilizing source code to evaluate systems has become more and more insufficient. However, most static metrics focus on measuring the source code in the program [1][2][3]; this situation would cause problems of inaccuracy because traditional coupling that represents the indicator to measure the inner quality attribute of programs [4] loses accuracy as there is more use of the inheritance. Nevertheless, we noticed that there are various coupling levels, and each level corresponds to the difficulty of systems, while most studies treat these coupling levels as equal. To solve this problem, we weighted each level individually, and the weighted values are the value of each coupling level.
There are some insufficiencies of existing coupling metrics. For instance, it is difficult to know which code was executed and which method is called by another class, while we measure the system merely using source code. In order to solve the problem we mentioned before, we proposed a Dynamic Weighted Class Coupling (DWCC) metric to solve these problems. Since we need to obtain the data from object-oriented (OO) software, the evaluation of the experiment has been conducted by four java open-source software systems. Our experimental result shows that the DWCC metric we proposed has a stronger correlation with the difficulty of programs. Therefore, the factors we considered in the DWCC metric are significant to reflect the actual difficulty.
Chapter 1 Introduction 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 17
2.1 Existing static coupling metrics 21
2.2 Concepts of dynamic metrics 25
2.3 Existing dynamic coupling metrics 31
Chapter 3 Dynamic Weighted Coupling Metric 36
3.1 Add Inheritance Properties 37
3.2 Add Interface Properties 40
3.3 Weighting each factors 43
Chapter 4 Experiments 50
4.1 Validation Strategy 50
4.2 Test Data Sets 52
4.3 Experimental process 53
4.3.1 Dynamic coupling data collection 54
4.3.2 DWCC Tool 57
4.4 Analysis Result 58
4.4.1 Correlation Coefficients 58
4.4.2 p-value 67
4.5 Practical application on DWCC metric 68
4.6 Threats to Validity 73
Chapter 5 Analysis of DWCC properties 76
5.1 Briand’s Properties 76
5.2 Weyuker’s Nine Properties 77
5.3 Proof process 82
5.4 Analytic result 84
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Works 86
Reference 88
Appendix 94

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