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作者(外文):Wu, Hao-Ning
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Data Locality for Energy-Efficient Pointwise Convolutional Layers in CNN Inference Accelerators
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Tsun
口試委員(外文):Liou, Jing-Jia
Shieh, Ming-Der
外文關鍵詞:CP DecompositionConvolutionDNN AcceleratorData LocalityEnergy EfficiencyLoop Optimization
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我們提出的方法可以使用在任何基於1×1卷積(矩陣乘法)的應用上,也可以被在各種深度學習加速器上以降低記憶體的需求。我們透過一個記憶體模擬器來驗證這些方法的優缺點,並整理出一些有效率的矩陣分塊方式,當使用64K大小的晶載記憶體時,在拆解後的ResNet-50和MobileNet V2上,我們分別可以節省20\%和67\%的能量消耗。
Deep learning has drawn significant attention recently due to its rapid advance in myriads of intelligent reasoning applications, especially those related to computer vision. The core component that allows deep learning techniques to capture the information (i.e., features) embedded in the input data (e.g., images) is deep convolutional neural network (CNN), where the vast amount of neurons manipluate the features they observe layer by layer. At the end of the network, a higher-level representation of the original input is generated. Therefore, the design of a powerful network have always been an active area of research.
Many complex CNN models have been developed to achieve high accuracy on image classification tasks. More recently, as the demands for real-time intelligent applications grow increasingly, the highly efficient CNN model has become an urgent need on the edge embedded devices with limited resources. One of the essential trends of building up a compact neural network is to adopt depthwise separable convolutions as the substitutes for standard convolutions in CNNs, which remarkably reduce the number of filter weights. However, even the number of multiply-and–accumulate (MAC) operations are fewer with the introduction of depthwise separable convolutions, the amount of intermediate activations stays the same, which creates strong needs for high memory bandwidth in addition to the computation capability.
Based on these observations, we proposed an optimization framework which aims at maximizing data reuse in 1×1 convolutions (or pointwise convolution). Previously unidentified data reuse is explored through innovative Scan execution order. Furthermore, we augment the exploration space across two or more layers through layer fusion. For a depth-wise convolution, it can be fused with the nearest 1×1 convolutions. For a standard convolution, it should be decomposed into depth-wise convolutions and 1×1 convolutions before being fused. Layer fusion eliminates the need for storing intermediate activations back to the DRAM. Combining Scan order with layer fusion, an remarkable amount of DRAM access can be saved.
Our methods can be used to optimize any application built on 1×1 convolutions (or matrix multiplications). We gave a thorough elaboration of the pros and cons of our framework and verified the result against a DRAM simulator. The fruits of our work are several energy-efficient tiling patterns that can integrate into CNN accelerators. For a 64K-entry on-chip buffer, fusion with Scan execution order achieved DRAM energy saving of 20\% on decomposed ResNet-50 and 67\% on MobileNet V2.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contribution 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 3
2 Preliminaries 4
2.1 Depthwise Separable Convolution 4
2.2 CP Decomposition 5
2.3 DRAMSim2 6
3 Scheduling for Matrix Multiplication 7
3.1 Loop Tiling 7
3.1.1 General Matrix Multiplication 7
3.1.2 Tiled Matrix Multiplication 8
3.1.3 Cost and Buffer Size Constraint 9
3.2 Proposed Tiling Scheme with Scan Order 10
3.2.1 Traveling Salesman Problem Model 10
3.2.2 Maximizing the Reusability with Scan Order 11
3.2.3 Effectiveness of Scan Order 12
3.2.4 Consideration of Fragmented Tiles 13
3.2.5 Cost and Buffer Size Constraint 14
4 Fused Depthwise Separable Convolution 15
4.1 Pointwise Layer Fusion 15
4.2 Layer Fusion with Intermediate Operations 17
5 Experimental Evaluation 19
5.1 Optimization of a Single Layer 21
5.2 Optimization of Layer Fusion 23
5.3 Comparison on Various Buffer Sizes 30
6 Conclusion and Future Work 32
6.1 Conclusion 32
6.2 Future Work 32
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