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作者(外文):Chen, Chia-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Concept Assessment System: Integrated with Knowledge Map and Testing Item Analysis in MOOCs Based on Artificial Neural Networks
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Jian-Wei
Chen, Jiann-Liang
外文關鍵詞:MOOCsDeep LearningKnowledge MapItem Response TheoryLearning AnalysisDynamic Assessment
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  • 評分評分:*****
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除此之外,我們也發現有很多學生有一些特定的行為,比如說作弊。因此我們將利用考試範圍的知識概念分數透過Deep Learning的方式去預測每位學生的考試成績,並將預測成績與真實成績做比較,藉此找出特殊行為的學生們。
Many students face cognitive overload and conceptual disorientation in massive open online courses. In fact, even when a student watches a video, it does not mean that he or she completely understands the content. At the same time, most of the current MOOC platforms have few other methods of assessing students besides exams. Therefore, we used the learning logs of videos, the difficulty of exercises, the discrimination of exercises, and the student’s ability, combined with deep learning, to determine the student’s familiarity of video content. We then determined a knowledge node score, which we integrated with a knowledge map. The map could be personalized to recommend videos and exercises according to the knowledge nodes that had a low score. Finally, students could learn where they needed to improve and adjust their learning accordingly. Moreover, teachers could observe students’ knowledge maps to understand their performance and help them accordingly. Additionally, we also found that there are many students have some particular behavior such as cheating. Consequently, we used the knowledge score to predict the student’s performance in exams and compare the predicted scores with the real scores to find out the students with particular behaviors.
Background and Related Works......7
System Architecture......14
System Implementation......24
Experiment and Result......52
Conclusion and Future Work......67
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