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作者(外文):Wu, Chang-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Multi-Sweep-Line Algorithm for GPU and its Application in VLSI Density Calculations
指導教授(外文):Lee, Che-Rung
口試委員(外文):Hon, Wing-Kai
Lei, Seong I
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在此篇論文中,我們針對VLSI佈局密度計算提出了在GPU上的多掃描線(MSL)演算法,以此來計算佈局中組件的聯集面積。大多數組件的形狀都是矩形,MSL演算法將輸入佈局分層劃分為窗口(windows),x軸範圍(slabs)和掃描線區域(sweep line regions),以探索大程度的並行性。此外,為了克服GPU的記憶體限制,根據記憶體使用情況,通過抽樣算法進行評估將任務劃分為合適的大小。並且使用快速分段排序(fast segmented sort),減少原子操作指令(atomic instruction),負載平衡(load balance)等技術來進一步提高性能。透過實驗結果可以得知,我們在GPU GTX 1080 Ti上的實作可以比在CPU版本上加速大約75到160倍。
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been widely used for computational intensive applications owing to its massive number of computing cores. However, only few algorithms can fully utilize the computational power of GPUs, because it requires not only enough degree of parallelism, but also the synergetic control between computation and data access in the finest granularity.
In this thesis, we proposed the Multi-Sweep-Line (MSL) algorithm on GPU for the VLSI layout density calculation, which computes the union area of components in a layout. The shapes of most components are rectilinear rectangles. The MSL algorithm divides the input layout hierarchically into windows, slabs, and sweep line regions to explore the large degree of parallelism. In addition, to overcome the memory limitation of GPU, tasks are partitioned into batches based on memory usage, estimated by sampling algorithms. Optimization techniques, fast segmented sort, reducing atomic instruction, load balance, are also applied to further improve the performance. The experimental results show that our MLS implementation can achieve 75 to nearly 160 times speedup over the CPU version on GTX 1080 ti.
Chinese Abstract......................i
List of Figures.......................v
List of Tables.....................viii
List of Algorithms....................x
1. Introduction.......................1
2. Background.........................3
3. Multi-Sweep-Line Algorithm........11
4. Experiments.......................26
5. Conclusion........................45
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