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作者(外文):Hsiao, Yi-Feng
論文名稱(外文):Energy Efficiency Optimization for Underlay D2D Communications with Machine Learning Assistance
指導教授(外文):Kao, Jung-Chun
口試委員(外文):Chao, Hsi-Lu
Yang, Shun-Ren
外文關鍵詞:D2Denergy efficiencypower controlGPmachine learning
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:337
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:11
  • 收藏收藏:0
裝置對裝置通訊(Device-to-Device communications)允許D2D pairs重複使
用CUE(cellular user equipment)之頻譜資源,鄰近的裝置不須透過基地台(Base
Station, BS)即可直接通訊,能提高的頻譜使用效率、服務裝置數量,但重複使
出一個迭代式的功率控制演算法,利用Dinkelbach's method,並且在每一次迭
代中把問題連續近似成幾何規劃(geometric programming, GP)問題。因為前述
的方法花費較多時間,我們嘗試使用機器學習(Machine Learning)來協助解決問
題, 並且改寫一個現存的能源效率最佳化演算法,來快速產生大量的訓練資料
集(Training Data Set)。
系統速率總和也有很大的改進。我們也可以看到加入機器學習之後, 對於運算
D2D (Device-to-Device) communications allow D2D pairs to reuse cellular user
equipment's (CUE) radio resources, and to communicate directly without routing
through the base station (BS). The UEs that reuses the same radio resources will
cause mutual interference, so we need better radio resources allocations and transmit
power control. Additionally, D2D communications usually apply to mobile
devices, if the power consumption is too high, the lifetime of devices and system
will be short.
In this thesis, we propose an iterative algorithm that utilizes optimization
techniques to maximize energy efficiency (EE). The EE maximization problem
is a fractional nonlinear programming problem and cannot get the optimal solution
directly, so we use the Dinkelbach's method, and successively approximate the
problem to a geometric programming (GP) problem. However, the aforementioned
optimization algorithm is time-consuming, so we try to use machine learning to
help solve the problem quickly. We modify an existing EE optimization algorithm
to generate large training data set rapidly. Simulation results show that our
method not only improves the system EE, but also reaches high system sum rate.
We also see the impact of machine learning on running time and performance.
Abstract i
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 3
3 System Model 6
3.1 System model 6
3.2 Problem formulation 8
4 Pure Optimization 12
4.1 Geometric programming 12
4.2 Objective function transformation 14
4.3 Successive GP approximation 16
4.4 Initial power allocation generation 18
4.5 Pure optimization algorithm 19
5 Machine Learning Assistance 21
5.1 Machine learning features creation 22
5.2 Training set creation 23
5.3 Machine learning phases and fast algorithm 26
6 Simulations 29
6.1 Compared algorithm 29
6.1.1 Optimal resource allocation algorithm 29
6.1.2 Greedy throughput maximization algorithm 30
6.1.3 Maximum independent set based and Stackelberg power based algorithm 31
6.1.4 Two-Stage resource sharing optimization 31
6.1.5 Energy efficient stable matching algorithm 31
6.2 Simulation settings 32
6.3 Simulation results 34
7 Conclusion 41
Reference 42
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