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作者(外文):Chiu, Yu-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):GAN-Based Video Generation of Human Action by Using Two Frames
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Shu-Yuang
Kang, Li-Wei
Huang, Ching-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Video predictionVideo generation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:571
  • 評分評分:*****
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影片生成在電腦視覺領域中一直是一個很重要的課題,這門技術主要是希望能利用給定的少量影像或雜訊來生成出一段完整且連續的影片,而這將可以應用在資料集的擴充或是在傳輸影片中降低其每秒顯示張數 (fps) 的議題上。在過往的經驗中,大部分的方法都會在訓練網絡時添加一些其他的資訊,例如: 語意分割 (semantic segmentations) 、影片的光流 (optical flow) 或是深度 (depth) 等,而這些資訊在現實生活中都是比較難收集的,若不添加這些額外的資訊,結果則很有可能隨著生成時間的拉長而導致影片中正在動的物體越來越模糊,最後導致發散不見,因此我們希望能改善此種現象。
在本篇論文中,我們發現傳統方法與近代方法各有一些屬於它們的優缺點,所以我們希望能夠取得它們各自的優點來彌補另一方的缺點,所以我們結合了傳統方法內插 (interpolation) 與近幾年比較火紅的對抗式生成網路 (Generative Adversarial Network) 來設計並完成我們網路的架構,此架構可以單純利用影片中的前後兩張影像且不添加其他資訊來進行影片生成,而在我們的網路架構中可以分解成四個小步驟: 1. 人物關節點熱圖 (heat map) 抓取。 2. 利用內插生成部分關節點熱圖。 3. 利用對抗式網路與步驟二的結果生成更完整的熱圖影片。 4. 將影片的前景背景貼在生成出的影片上。
Video generation is very import issue in computer vision. The goal of video generation is that the video can be generated by given a few frames or some noises. So that the skill can be applied to data augmentation or enable a decrease in the need of frames per second (fps) of videos when transporting. In the past, methods, that were taken required ground truth annotation of other information (e.g., semantic segmentations, video’s optical flow, or depth) at training time. If annotations were omitted, the objects generated in the videos would disperse, or become blurred over time. Considering the fact that those information are very difficult to obtain in the real world. The purpose of the thesis is to overcome this difficulty.
This thesis presents a new architecture which could generate the video from the first and the last frame. In the architecture, traditional method, interpolation, and deep learn method, generate adversarial network (GAN) are combined. In our method, it could be separated into four stages. First, using [1] to extract the joints of a person in frames. Second, we use the interpolation and some joints, not all, to generate the heat map video. Third, generating more complete heat map video by GAN. Last but not least, employing [2] to generate the appearance of the object in the video. The details of each stage would be explained in the following thesis.
Experimental results show that the videos generated by our method without giving another information are more realistic and the object in the videos could move farer from original location as well comparing to other experiments under the same conditions done before.
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 6
1.1 Research Background 6
1.2 Motivation 6
1.3 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2 Related Work 10
2.1 Using Other Information 10
2.2 Using noise 11
2.3 Using one or a few of frames 12
Chapter 3 Proposed method 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.2 Extract Human Skeleton 14
3.3 Single Pose Completion 15
3.4 Sequence Completion and Interpolation 17
3.5 Paste Appearance 19
3.6 Implementation Details 22
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussion 23
4.1 Dataset 23
4.2 Performance Evaluation 23
4.3 Visual Results 25
Chapter 5 Conclusion 29
References 30
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