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作者(外文):Chen, Yen-Shuo
論文名稱(外文):Miniaturization of Graphite Calorimeter System
指導教授(外文):Jong, Tai-Lang
口試委員(外文):Huang, Yu-Wei
Hsieh, Chi-Wen
外文關鍵詞:radiation doseGraphite Calorimeter SystemADR130system identification
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在PID控制模擬系統方面,本論文利用反應曲線法初步尋找Core的系統轉移函數,建立Core PID控制模型,使用多組參數進行模擬,並且與實際量測狀況做比較,結果發現Core PID模擬能夠模擬出系統大略的變化。
With the advance of technology, there are more and more researches on radiation therapy. The application of radiation therapy has gradually increased. In order to ensure the quality of radiation therapy in Taiwan, the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) has established the graphite calorimeter system as a national standard to measure the radiant energy. At present the graphite calorimeter system is bulky, complicated to install, and unsuitable for transportation to the medical center for measurement. We aim to reduce the volume of the graphite calorimeter system and reduce the installation difficulty but keep the measurement accuracy at the same time. Simultaneously, the second goal of this thesis is to establish a PID control simulation system which allows the user to simulate the results of various parameters in advance and reduce the time for field adjustment.
We use ADR130 to replace the standard voltage source to provide bridge power supply; add independent switches for the three sets of Core bridge, Jacket bridge, and Shield bridge; simultaneously integrate multiple instruments of the original graphite calorimeter system into a mini case to reduce the size of the system and the number of wires thereby. After actual testing, the ADR130 is sufficient to replace the standard voltage source in the case of low voltage and low power. The system volume after miniaturization is reduced by 22545cm^3 and the number of wiring is reduced by 20.
We also use the reaction curve method to initially find the system transfer function of the Core; establish the Core PID control model; use multiple sets of parameters to simulate and compare with the actual measurement status. We conclude the Core PID simulation is able to simulate most of the changes in the system.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 論文貢獻 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 原理與石墨卡計系統 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 熱卡計[11] 5
2.3 惠斯通電橋 6
2.4 核能研究所石墨卡計系統 7
2.4.1 核心材質選擇 7
2.4.2 石墨卡計設計 8
2.4.3 熱敏電阻 13
2.4.4 恆溫模式 14
2.4.5 石墨卡計系統硬體架構 16
2.4.6 控制軟體 24
2.4.7 PID控制 24
第三章 微型化石墨卡計系統 27
3.1 前言 27
3.2 主要元件介紹 27
3.2.1 標準電阻8k 27
3.2.2 標準電阻4k 27
3.2.3 滑動開關[16] 28
3.2.4 ADR130 29
3.3 系統硬體架構 30
3.4 機箱設計 31
3.5 電路設計 33
3.5.1 量測電路 33
3.5.2 加熱電路 33
3.5.3 電橋電源電路 35
第四章 CORE PID控制模擬 36
4.1 前言 36
4.2 系統特性辨識 36
4.3 CORE PID控制模型 39
第五章 實驗結果 41
5.1 前言 41
5.2 微型化結果 41
5.2.1 測試版電橋電源電路測試 41
5.2.2 預估微型化後結果 43
5.3 CORE PID模擬結果 45
第六章 結論與未來展望 54
參考文獻 55
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