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作者(外文):Chiu, Hao-Han
論文名稱(外文):Human Keypoints Detection Based On Effective Lightweight Neural Network
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
口試委員(外文):Huang, Ching-Chun
Kang, Li-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Lightweight Neural NetworkHuman Keypoints DetectionHuman Pose Estimation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,隨著深度學習 (Deep Learning) 網路的蓬勃發展,人體姿態估計
(Human Pose Estimation)在電腦視覺辨識的領域中,一直都是相當熱門的研究,
目前人體姿態估計大致上可分為兩種做法:(1)Top-down 是先在圖片中找
出人的位置,接著再去計算人的姿勢,或是(2)Bottom-up 直接看圖中有哪些人
本篇論文提出了一種新穎的輕量網路架構“Shuffle Hourglass Network”
(SHN) 來進行人體關節偵測,從實驗在幾個主流資料庫的分析結果來看,我們
In recent years, with the rapid development of Deep Learning networks, Human Pose Estimation has been a very popular research in the field of computer vision recognition.
With performance improvement of computer hardware (GPU), its accuracy and real-time application also reached new milestones.
At present, human pose estimation can be roughly divided into two methods: 1) Topdown, find the position of the person in the picture, then calculate the person's posture. 2) Bottom-up, directly see which human keypoints are in the picture, then connect these points correctly. Both of these methods is using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (Deep-CNN). When using this kind of neural network, you will always fall into the dilemma of using a deeper network to get better performance. The deeper of the neural network, the more parameters (Weight) required. However, it is difficult to implement this method on devices that lack computing power, such as mobile phones, monitors, and driving recorders, etc.
This paper proposes a novel lightweight network architecture called Shuffle Hourglass Network (SHN) which for human joint detection. From the analysis results of several mainstream databases, our method can maintain a high degree of accuracy
compared with the previous practice while reducing a large number of complex parameters.
Moreover, our network architecture can theoretically be applied to Human Pose Estimation methods that mostly are with hourglass network structures.
摘 要............................................................................................................. 3
Abstract ................................................................................................................. 4
Content .................................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 1 ............................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ........................................................................................... 6
1.1 Research Background .................................................................. 6
1.2 Motivation and Objective ............................................................ 7
1.3 Thesis Organization ..................................................................... 8
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................... 9
Related Work ......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Human Pose Estimation ............................................................... 9
2.2 Lightweight Neural Network ..................................................... 13
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................. 15
Proposed Method ................................................................................ 15
3.1 Overview .................................................................................... 15
3.2 Network Architecture ................................................................. 16
3.3 Optimization .............................................................................. 19
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................. 21
Experiments and Discussions ............................................................. 21
4.1 Experimental Setup .................................................................... 21
4.2 Evaluation .................................................................................. 24
4.3 Comparison ................................................................................ 27
Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................. 32
Conclusion .......................................................................................... 32
Reference ............................................................................................................ 33
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