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作者(外文):Li, Pei-Ru
論文名稱(中文):分切合整數位控制 大功率併網型三相轉換器
論文名稱(外文):Grid-Connected High Power Three-Phase Converter with D-Σ Digital Control
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Pan, Ching-Tsai
Lo, Yu-Kang
Lin, Chang-Hua
外文關鍵詞:D-Σ digital controlthree-phase four-wire convertergrid connection moderectification modeactive/reactive power compensation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究以高功率併網型轉換器為研究主題,電路架構採用三相四線半橋式轉換器,以微控制器Renesas RX62T為控制級的主要核心,而併網型轉換器的主要功能包含:輸出正實功至電網、負實功輸出與特定功率因數之電流輸出,系統將實、虛功依照所需要的比例饋入電網當中,進而達到補償電網電壓以及頻率的效果。
This thesis is aimed at design and implementation of two high power, grid-connected converters. A three-phase four-wire half-bridge circuit structure is adopted for high power transferring and the microcontroller, Renesas RX62T, is cho-sen as control center of the system. The main operation mode of the converter in-cludes injecting power into ac grid in power-injection mode and drawing power from the grid in rectification mode. In the power-injection mode, the converter will inject active/reactive power into the grid by the command from utility company to com-pensate grid voltage and frequency.
With regard to the control of the converter, this research adopts D-Σ digital con-trol. Comparing with conventional abc to dq frame transformation, the control law derivation of D-Σ digital control can be simplified. In addition, it takes the variations of dc bus voltage, switching frequency, and variation of inductance into considera-tion. If the current is large, inductance in the control law of duty-ratio calculation will change to real situation successively. Thus, distortion of the inductor current can be prevented. SPWM combined with D-Σ digital control can regard a three-phase converter as three single-phase converters when analyzing, and the duty ratio can be determined separately. This can reduce the complexity of duty-ratio calculation pro-foundly.
First, the feasibility of the three-phase four-wire half-bridge converter with D-Σ digital control has been verified by simulation. Due to a lack of loads in high-power condition, this research cascades two converters to do a circulation test. It can release the burden on the grid, one drawing, the other compensating power to dc bus from the grid. Finally, this research verifies all of the functions through the circulation test.
The major contributions of the thesis are: building two of the three-phase four-wire half-bridge converters and proving that all functions of the half-bridge converter adopting D-Σ digital control can be achieved. In addition, some functions have been already tested in high power levels.
國立清華大學 I
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3論文大綱 9
第二章 硬體架構與控制方法 10
2.1系統架構 10
2.2分切合整數位控制 11
2.2.1受控體架構 12
2.2.2 受控體之運作分析 13
2.2.3控制器設計 17
2.3系統功能運作模式 18
2.3.1電流型控制 18
2.3.2電網併聯模式 19
2.3.3 整流模式 20
第三章 周邊電路設計 21
3.1周邊電路輔助電源 21
3.2開關驅動電源 22
3.3輔助電源偵錯電路 24
3.4光纖訊號傳輸電路 25
3.5上下臂開關隔離驅動電路 26
3.6推挽式放大電路 27
3.7電網電壓偵測電路 27
3.8交流電電壓回授電路 29
3.9電感電流回授電路 30
3.10直流鏈電壓回授電路 31
3.11開關溫度回授電路 31
3.12直流鏈預充電路 31
3.13系統緊急停止電路 34
第四章 韌體規劃與流程設計 35
4.1微控制器RX62T簡介 35
4.2程式溝通設計 38
4.2.1系統溝通 38
4.2.2變頻載波同步 38
4.3程式流程規劃 40
4.3.1主程式流程 40
4.3.2中斷程式流程 42
4.3.3載波同步中斷程式流程 47
4.3.4溫度控制板程式流程 48
第五章 模擬與實驗結果 49
5.1電氣規格 49
5.2實務考量 52
5.2.1電感值變化 52
5.2.2 AD取樣時間延遲 53
5.2.3 PWM死區補償 54
5.2.4 載波同步問題 56
5.2.5開關模組並聯 57
5.2.6散熱設計 59
5.3 模擬與實驗結果 60
5.3.1轉換器系統建模與模擬結果 60
5.3.2實測結果 70
5.3.3實測結果分析 76
5.3.4損耗分析 77
5.3.5單相燒機測試 81
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 84
6.1結論 84
6.2 未來研究方向 85
參考文獻 86

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