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作者(外文):Jian, Yu-Rong
論文名稱(外文):Automated Probe-Mark Analysis for 3D-IC Interconnect Yield Improvement
指導教授(外文):Wu, Cheng-Wen
口試委員(外文):Lee, Kuen-Jong
Li, Jin-Fu
Huang, Shi-Yu
外文關鍵詞:3D-ICinterconnect testprobe-mark analysisyield improvement
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我們成功利用此套軟體來特徵化三維堆疊IC之堆疊前測試時探測由微凸塊所構成的細間距之大陣列的品質。JEDEC Wide-I/O2 介面是由1752顆的微凸塊所構成陣列,在此陣列中,微凸塊彼此間的距離為40μm。我們利用電子顯微鏡拍攝陣列中位於四個角的微凸塊,得到的影像會被當作這套軟體的輸入。此套軟體計算出的偏移量會被用於區分出探針機台和探針卡對於整體的探針對焊墊對齊精準度的貢獻。此外,此套軟體計算出來的測試目標物上針痕的相對面積對於堆疊的導線良率是一個很重要的指標。
In semiconductor wafer probing, we want to check that the probe tips land correctly on the probe targets (e.g., bond pads, dedicated probe pads, Cu pillars, or micro-bumps). We also want to make sure that probe marks do not negatively affect the main function of these probe targets. Therefore, we would like to know the (relative) position and size of the probe mark on the probe target. In this thesis, we have developed a software tool for automated probe-mark analysis. It takes as input a high-resolution image of the probed target. Using image processing routines, the tool identifies the contours, center points, and surface areas of probe target and probe mark. Subsequently, it calculates the offset of the probe mark from the center of the probe target, as well as the relative probe ‘damage’ to the target. The software tool handles top-view as well as tilted-view images, varying contrast settings, rectangular or circular probe-target shapes, and single or multiple probe marks per probe target.
We have successfully used this tool in the characterization of the quality of probing large-array fine-pitch micro-bumps in the context of pre-bond testing of 3D-stacked ICs. For JEDEC Wide-I/O2 interfaces [13] consisting of 1752 micro-bumps at 40μm pitch, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of the four corners of the micro-bump array served as input for our analysis tool. The offsets calculated by the software tool were used to separate the contributions of both probe station and probe card to the overall probe-to-pad alignment (PTPA) accuracy. The calculated relative size of the probe mark is an important indicator for the impact of probing on the stack’s interconnect yield.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Works 4
1.3 Approach and Results 5
1.4 Organization 7
Chapter 2 Image Processing Techniques for Probe-Mark Inspection 8
2.1 Image Convolution 8
2.2 Image Sharpening 9
2.3 Edge Detection 10
2.4 Connected-Component Labelling 12
2.5 Merge 13
Chapter 3 Automatic Probe-Mark Recognition 14
3.1 SEM Image of the Micro-Bump 14
3.2 Contour of the Micro-Bump 15
3.3 Single Probe Mark 17
3.4 Area of the Probe Mark 20
3.5 Multiple Probe Marks 23
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussion 30
4.1 Contour of the Micro-Bump 31
4.2 Probe-Mark Recognition 33
4.3 Area of Probe Mark 37
4.4 Comparison of Manual and Automatic Measurements 39
4.5 Robustness 42
4.6 Discussion 47
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 50
5.1 Conclusions 50
5.2 Future Work 50
Reference 52
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