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作者(外文):Ou-Yang, Hsuan
論文名稱(中文):表皮完整活體果蠅腦之光學解析度光聲顯微造影: 可行性研究
論文名稱(外文):Noninvasive Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy of Cuticle Intact Drosophila Brains In Vivo : Feasibility Study
指導教授(外文):Li, Meng-Lin
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Meng-Tsan
Wu, Shun-Chi
Lin, Yen-Yin
外文關鍵詞:Optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopyDrosophilaNon-invasive
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  • 點閱點閱:790
  • 評分評分:*****
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Recently, more and more researchers learn how the brain works through model organisms and map the learned knowledge to the neural network of human beings. In the Drosophila brain, it is discovered that several controlling genes of brain are highly similar to human ones, and so as how they function. To study the structure and functions of the Drosophila brain, confocal microscopy is commonly used to capture fluorescent brain slices and reconstruct individual 3-D brain models. Since the limitation of optical penetration and high optical absorption of the black head cuticle which blocks the optical signal from the brain, surgical removal of the head cuticle of Drosophila is required for confocal microscopy. However, such invasive surgery may influence brain’s functions and hinders long term monitoring. In this study, we attempt to verify the feasibility of non-invasive optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) of cuticle intact Drosophila brain in vivo. Unlike pure optical imaging where the cuticle hinders both the optical excitation and detection, we hypothesize that the laser induced photoacoustic wave generated by the fluorescence proteins, which server as optical absorbers for OR-PAM, inside the Drosophila brain can pass through the intact cuticle because of the similar acoustic impedance of the cuticle to those of water and brain tissues. This hypothesis is verified through the measurement of the acoustic and optical attenuation of the cuticles and degradation of spatial resolution caused by the cuticles. In vivo OR-PAM of cuticle intact Drosophila brain is also performed. In addition, the optical absorption bleaching of the imaged fluorescence protein is also measured which tells the repetition number of the same experimental procedure on the same Drosophila brain. Overall, we demonstrate that OR-PAM owns a great potential in imaging the whole Drosophila brain without invasive surgery while providing optical absorption contrast and comparable resolution to confocal microscopy.
Table of Contents...............................................IV
List of Figures .............................................VI
Chapter 1 Introduction...........................................1
1.1 Drosophila and Brain Research.............................1
1.1.1 Advantages..............................................1
1.1.2 Drosophila Brain Imaging................................4
1.2 Optical-resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy...............5
1.2.1 Principles of Photoacoustic Imaging.....................5
1.2.2 Laser-scanning OR-PAM...................................7
1.2.3 Hypothesis of Non-invasive Imaging Procedure............8
1.3 Motivations...............................................9
1.4 Thesis Organization.......................................9
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods..............................11
2.1 Reflection-mode Laser-scanning OR-PAM (LSOR-PAM).........11
2.1.1 System Setup...........................................11
2.1.2 Scanning Mechanism.....................................13
2.2 Verification of Hypothesis...............................14
2.2.1 Design of the Testing Procedure........................14
2.2.2 Optical and Acoustic Attenuation of the Cuticle........16
2.2.3 Degradation in Spatial Resolution......................19
2.3 Drosophila...............................................20
2.3.1 Drosophila Preparation and Holder Design...............20
2.3.2 Selection of Fluorescent Protein.......................21
2.3.3 Experimental Procedure.................................23
2.3.4 Anatomical Plane.......................................24
Chapter 3 Experimental Results and Discussions...............25
3.1 Results of Hypothesis Test...............................25
3.1.1 Acoustic and Optical Attenuation of the Cuticle........25
3.1.2 Degradation in Spatial Resolution......................28
3.2 Drosophila Brain Imaging.................................29
3.2.1 In-vivo experiments....................................29
3.2.2 Comparison to Confocal Microscopy......................31
3.2.3 Super-resolution and 3-D Model.........................33
3.3 Discussions..............................................35
3.3.1 Distance from the Cuticle to the Air Force Target......35
3.3.2 Air Sac in Drosophila Brain............................37
3.3.3 Optical Absorption Bleaching Measurement...............39
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Work........................41
4.1 Conclusions..............................................41
4.2 Future work..............................................41
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