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作者(外文):Ma, Wei-Ming
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Chang-Chou
Lee, Chien-Hsing
Chen, Seng-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Switched-reluctance motorcommutation shiftregenerative brakingvoltage boostingpower factor correctionswitch-mode rectifieractive power filterenergy storage systembatteryparallel operation
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接著開發各式具功因校正之交流/直流轉換器。首先建立標準三相全橋式升壓型切換式整流器供電之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統,除具高入電電力品質外,可升壓之直流鏈電壓提升了切換式磁阻馬達之高速驅控特性;而再生煞車回收電能亦可成功回送市電。接著提出兩種由橋式整流器改良之替代方案: (i) 主動式功率濾波器輔助三相橋式整流器供電之切換式磁阻馬達:雖可改善橋式整流器固有之電力品質與再升煞車問題,然其直流鏈電壓變動問題仍在; (ii) 主動式功率濾波器輔助三相單開關升壓型切換式整流器供電之切換式磁阻馬達。其具有全橋式升壓型切換式整流器供電之完整功能,但可採用電流額定較低之功率元件。
This thesis develops the bidirectional AC/DC converter fed switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drives with energy storage buffer. Various AC/DC converters are established and comparatively evaluated. First, some basic and critical technologies of SRM are explored, and a three-phase diode rectifier fed SRM drive is established. The sensing scheme, commutation scheme, current and speed control schemes are all properly designed. Satisfactory driving characteristics are obtained. However, it can only be normally operated up to a certain speed owing to the unregulated DC-link voltage. Moreover, it hasn’t power factor correction (PFC) and regenerating braking functions.
Next, various PFC AC/DC front-end converters are developed. The standard three-phase full-bridge boost SMR fed SRM drive is first established. Except for having good line drawn power quality, the boostable DC-link voltage of the SRM drive can enhance the SRM driving performance in higher speeds. Moreover, the recovered regenerative braking energy can be sent back to the grid successfully. Then, two alternatives modified from the diode rectifier are proposed: (i) active power filter (APF) assisted three-phase diode rectifier fed SRM drive: Although the power quality and the regenerative braking problems possessed by diode rectifier can be solved, the DC-link voltage variation problem still exists; and (ii) APF assisted three-phase single-switch (3P1SW) boost SMR fed SRM drive. All functions of the full-bridge SMR fed SRM drive are preserved. Moreover, the power devices with lower current ratings can be employed.
Finally, the SMR-fed SRM drive with energy storage buffer is presented. A battery storage facility is connected to the motor drive DC-link to provide its energy buffer. Through the proposed parallel operation strategy, the utility grid and the battery storage facility are able to power the SRM drive simultaneously to enhance its energy supplying reliability.
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Basic of Switched-Reluctance Motor 7
A. Structural Features 7
B. Physical Modeling 8
C. Dynamic Modeling 11
2.3 SRM Converters 14
A. Asymmetrical Bridge Converter 14
B. Miller’s Converter 15
C. Modified Miller’s Converter 15
D. C-dump Converter 16
2.4 Energy Storage Buffer 17
A. Battery 17
B. Supercapacitor 18
C. Flywheel 18
2.5 Interface Power Electronic Converters 18
A. Bidirectional DC/DC Converters 19
B. AC/DC Converters 19
2.6 Active Power Filters 23
2.7 The Developed SRM Drive System with Energy Storage Buffer and Problem Statements 24
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 De-rate Characteristics of AC/DC Converters 26
3.3 Establishment of Three-phase Diode Rectifier fed SRM Drive 28
A. System Configuration 28
B. System Setup 29
C. Current and Speed Control Schemes 35
3.4 Winding Current Tracking Responses 39
3.5 Performance Evaluations of Three-phase Diode Rectifier Fed SRM Drive 45
A. Steady-state Characteristics 45
B. Dynamic Characteristics 45
C. Acceleration/deceleration and Reversible Operation Characteristics 52
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 Design and Implementation 53
A. System Configuration and Parameters 53
B. Control Schemes 55
4.3 Experimental Results 62
A. Steady-state Characteristics 62
B. Dynamic Responses 68
C. Reversible Operation 72
D. Regenerative Braking 72
4.4 Effects of DC-link Voltage Level and Efficiency Assessment 72
5.1 Introduction 79
5.2 Comparative Current Rating Analysis 79
A. Three-phase Full-bridge SMR 79
B. APF Assisted Three-phase Diode Rectifier 80
C. APF Assisted Three-phase Single-switch DCM Boost SMR 82
5.3 APF Assisted Three-phase Diode Rectifier fed SRM Drive 83
A. System Configuration 83
B. SCR Triggering Circuit 83
C. Control Schemes 85
D. Steady-state Characteristics 86
E. Dynamic Characteristics 94
F. Reversible Operation 95
G. Regenerative Braking 96
5.4 APF Assisted Three-phase Single-switch DCM SMR fed SRM Drive 99
A. System Configuration 99
B. Control Schemes 101
C. Steady-state Characteristics 105
D. Dynamic Characteristics 126
E. Reversible Operation 126
F. Regenerative Braking 126
6.1 Introduction 131
6.2 System Configuration and Functional Descriptions of the Developed SMR-fed SRM Drive with Energy Storage Buffer 131
A. System Configuration 131
B. Functional Descriptions 133
6.3 Establishment of Battery Interface DC/DC Converter 134
A. Power Circuit 134
B. Design of Power Circuit Components 135
C. Current-mode Control 136
D. Direct Duty-ratio Voltage-mode Control 144
6.4 Battery Powered SRM Drive 147
A. System Configuration and Parameters 147
B. Control Schemes 147
C. Steady-state Characteristics 148
D. Dynamic Characteristics 150
E. Reversible Operation 151
F. Regenerative Braking 151
6.5 G2B/B2G Operations 155
A. System Configuration 155
B. Control Schemes 156
C. Measured Results 156
6.6 SMR-fed SRM Drive with Energy Storage Buffer 160
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