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作者(外文):Lin, Ting-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of High Power Three-phase Uninterruptible Power Systems and IGBT Module Drivers
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Pan, Ching-Tsai
Lin, Chang-Hua
Lo, Yu-Kang
外文關鍵詞:Uninterruptible power systemsD-Σ digital controlLoad current estimationac voltage regulationIGBT module drivers
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  • 評分評分:*****
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因應電力需求量和穩定度要求,本研究研製高功率不斷電系統與開關模組驅動電路,不斷電系統採用三相四線半橋式轉換器作為高功率的傳輸媒介,並將微控制器Renesas RX62T作為控制核心。
In response to the demand for power and stability, this research develops design and implementation of high-power uninterruptible power systems and IGBT module drivers. The uninterruptible power systems use three-phase four-wire half-bridge converter as high-power transmission medium and the microcontroller Renesas RX62T is the control center of the systems.
In the ac voltage regulation mode, the converter adopts the division-summation (D-Σ) digital control, combined with sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) to realize the feedback control. Compared with the analog control, the D-Σ digital control takes into account the system parameter variations, such as dc link voltage, ac output voltage, inductance value, and switching period, to offset the influence of parameter changing on the controlled plant, and calculates the duty ratio directly.
In this research, the load current estimation is also applied to the D-Σ digital control. In the load current estimation, the filter capacitor current variations and load current variations can be predicted in each switching period, so that the converter can output stable three-phase sinusoidal voltages. In order to test the high-power uninterruptible power system, “Hardware in the Loop” is proposed. The dc-bus is regulated by the power supply. The circuit structure makes the two converters have a common dc link and ac terminal. Finally, the power is circulated in the two converters.
This research also designs drivers for the high-power IGBT module used in the converter. Describe in detail how to design the parameters of the drivers, select the architecture of the drivers, and design the protection circuits based on data sheets.
The main contributions of this research include: (1) Using D-Σ digital control to simplify the cumbersome calculation process and take into account the attenuation of the inductance. (2) Combined with the load current estimation, the inductor current variation compensating in the next the switching cycle is calculated instantaneously, and output the stable sinusoidal voltages through D-Σ digital control. (3) “ Hardware in the Loop” is proposed, and various loads are extracted by using converter. The ac voltage regulation function of the high-power uninterruptible power system is verified. (4) Design high-power IGBT module drivers to make converter convert power stably and efficiently.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
總目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 不斷電系統架構簡介 2
1-2-2 轉換器架構簡介 5
1-2-3 轉換器控制法簡介 8
1-3 論文大綱 10
第二章 系統架構與控制演算法 11
2-1 系統架構 11
2-2 分切合整數位控制法 12
2-2-1 負載端電壓正半週 13
2-2-2 負載端電壓負半週 16
2-3 負載電流估測法 19
2-3-1 電容電流變化量 20
2-3-2 負載電流變化量 21
第三章 硬體周邊電路 23
3-1 控制級輔助電源 23
3-2 電壓/電流回授電路 25
3-2-1 直流鏈電壓回授 25
3-2-2 電感電流回授 26
3-2-3 負載電流回授 27
3-2-4 交流電壓回授 28
3-3 保護電路 29
3-3-1 過壓/過流保護電路 29
3-3-2 電壓箝位保護電路 30
3-3-3 輔助電源偵錯電路 30
3-3-4 緊急開關電路 31
第四章 高功率開關模組驅動電路 32
4-1 IGBT開關模組—FF900R12IP4 32
4-2 驅動電路參數設計 34
4-2-1 閘級驅動電壓 34
4-2-2 外部閘級電阻 36
4-3 驅動電路架構 39
4-3-1 開關驅動輔助電源 39
4-3-2 光纖傳輸電路 41
4-3-3 光耦合隔離電路 42
4-3-4 推挽式放大電路 44
4-4 寄生元件切換效應 46
4-4-1 米勒電容效應之導通誤動作 46
4-4-2 雜散電感之導通誤動作 47
4-4-3 瞬態電壓抑制二極體 48
4-5 開關切換波形與改善 49
4-5-1 開關驅動電路比較 49
4-5-2 開關切換波形比較 52
第五章 韌體架構與控制流程 57
5-1 硬體在環測試(Hardware in the Loop) 57
5-2 微控制器RX62T簡介 59
5-3 主要級(Master)轉換器控制流程 62
5-3-1 主程式控制流程 62
5-3-2 類比/數位中斷副程式流程 63
5-4 次要級(Slave)轉換器控制流程 64
5-4-1 主程式控制流程 64
5-4-2 類比/數位中斷副程式流程 65
5-5 動態響應提升 66
5-6 變頻載波同步 68
第六章 系統模擬與實測驗證 70
6-1 轉換器規格與元件 70
6-2 Matlab/Simulink模擬 71
6-3 模擬與實測波形比較 74
6-3-1 電阻性負載 74
6-3-2 電容性負載 76
6-3-3 電感性負載 78
6-3-4 非線性負載 80
第七章 結論與未來研究方向 82
7-1 結論 82
7-2 未來研究方向 83
7-2-1 改善負載電流估測法 83
7-2-2 採用LCL濾波器 83
7-2-3 並聯高頻式轉換器 83
7-2-4 通訊功能 83
參考文獻 84
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